As National College Drop-Out Rates Hit 25 Percent (1) , New Program Aims to Help Students Succeed

LITTLE ROCK, June 28, 2010 — High school graduations are commencing and many students have high hopes for college. But national statistics show approximately one in four students will drop out of college their first year (1).

National speaker and college ministry veteran John Bryson believes with strategic preparation this trend can be reversed. Bryson has teamed up with Men’s Fraternity Founder Robert Lewis to develop College Ready©, a six-week study aimed at helping high school seniors and college freshmen make the most of their college experience.

“Part of the reason is that they’re totally unprepared for the college experience,” said Bryson, who has spent more than 11 years working with college students.

Bryson is not the only one questioning college readiness of high school graduates. Media coverage nationwide tells the same story.

“It’s a nationwide problem . . . We probably have right now in this state a lot of people in college who are not prepared for college,” University of Georgia President Michael Adams told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (June 3, 2010).

On May 21, The Dallas Morning News reported “churning out high school graduates unprepared for college is a national issue.”

“Going to college can be an overwhelming experience,” said Bryson. “That first year is hard on everybody. I want to equip students to have a much different experience—one that empowers them to make the most of college and enjoy it, too . . . prepared to thrive in this new season of their life.”

The College Ready study videos and student guide are based on six key principles:

• Acquiring vision
• Empowering friendships
• Excelling academically
• Dating right
• Having fun
• Growing spiritually

Adaptable to a variety of group settings, College Ready is ideal for RAs (residents assistants), college freshman group leaders and teachers. For more information or to purchase College Ready, visit

College Ready is part of a greater initiative of FamilyLife called Life Ready, a biblical strategy for churches to provide proactive marriage and family training through video resources.

For more than three decades FamilyLife has focused on the mission of using biblical principles to build healthier marriages and families. FamilyLife works in 100 countries around the world to help to transform lives and restore hope through its Weekend to Remember marriage conferences, Homebuilders Bible studies, FamilyLife Today radio broadcasts, Hope for Orphans orphan care ministry, FamilyLife publications and the internet. For more information visit


(1) National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS), 2008

“It’s a nationwide problem . . . We probably have right now in this state a lot of people in college who are not prepared for college,” University of Georgia President Michael Adams told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (June 3, 2010).