Author Archives: uwirepr

Course Hero Launches New Android App to Help Students Study Anywhere

CourseHero Logo

Course Hero, an educational technology platform for course-specific study resources and tutoring, has launched a new Android mobile app to help the always-connected student study anywhere and anytime. The new offering includes millions of crowdsourced study resources (notes, test prep, and more) and flashcards to help students succeed.

A McGraw-Hill Education and Hanover Research last year found that 81 percent of students use mobile devices to study. As students are increasingly connected, they need study tools and resources that can keep up.

Enter Course Hero’s Android mobile app, giving students access to many of Course Hero’s grade-saving tools, including the ability to sync documents and flashcards via mobile device and desktop and even access them offline.

“Course Hero’s new mobile app expands access to our learning tools that today’s hyper-connected students can conveniently use from the one tool they use every day—their mobile phone” said Course Hero CEO and Co-founder Andrew Grauer, ”Seamless access to educational resources is essential for students navigating increasingly busy lives and heavy course loads.”

Installing the app is free, as is browsing, previewing, and saving resources, and viewing all flashcards. Additional subscription-based services include the ability to unlock full documents and use free tutoring on the desktop version of the site.

To download Course Hero’s Android app, visit the Google Play store 

About Course Hero
Course Hero is an online learning platform that empowers millions of students and educators to master their classes. Powered by a passionate community of students and educators who share their course-specific knowledge and educational resources, Course Hero offers the biggest and best library of study documents, expert tutors, customizable flashcards, and advice. To learn more, please visit

For more information, contact:
Grayling PR
(415) 593-1400

Ready for summer? Your next move can save you money, on self storage.


As soon as you take your last college exam, you can breath a sigh of relief. Summer is here at last, and you’re ready for a long, much-deserved vacation. However, there is still one last task to accomplish before relaxing on the beach: moving!

Whether you are moving back home for the summer or changing apartments permanently, you need to have a plan for what to do with all of your stuff. Throughout the past few semesters, you’ve acquired a lot of things that no longer fit into your apartment, and you need more space to store these items.

Rather than shoving all of your stuff into a junk room or in your parent’s damp basement, have you considered a storage unit? is the No. 1 self storage search engine in the United States giving university and college students the ability to find the best price and special on a storage unit and book it online for free. If you are looking for the perfect self storage unit for the summer months and at the guaranteed lowest price, you can find it with With the best storage units aggregated into one place, you can find the best bang for your buck without sacrificing your college budget.

As college students, summer can still be a busy time: you’re starting a new part-time job or internship, leaving the country on a study abroad trip, or still taking a few classes to catch up. With, simply enter your city, zip code or school name in the search bar and use the filters to arrive at the storage unit of your choice. Using current technology and a user-friendly platform, students can reserve a storage unit for free from their desktop, tablet or smartphone device in a matter of minutes. Both convenient and quick, finding the best self storage unit for you has never been easier.

“The demand for storage units in the United States is high and rapidly growing. We have made the reservation process friendly, efficient and reliable.” Victor Dante, CEO, said.

Rather than searching through one or two self storage units in your area, you’ll search through thousands of options nationwide; with so many options, you are bound to find a great unit for your belongings.

About has evolved into one of the most prominent self storage lead generators in the industry. Consumers are able to locate, compare and reserve a self storage unit online or over the phone.’s team is comprised of self storage and technology professionals, and is headquartered in North Miami Beach, Florida, ( For more information you can contact them at 888-222-0225.

Media Contact
Tony Prada
(305) 945-7561

GSK to Host “Rowing & Cycling Challenge” on World Meningitis Day

GSK Logo

Philadelphia— On World Meningitis Day, April 24, GSK will host the “Hour of Power Rowing & Cycling Challenge” to raise awareness of meningococcal disease among college students and athletes. The event will feature students and representatives from various Philadelphia-based colleges and universities.

Meningitis is a rare but serious disease, which on average causes 1 in 10 to die. Young adults aged 16-23 are at increased risk because they often live, work, and socialize in group settings with close contact, such as in college residence halls, the military, and more.

Jamie Schanbaum, a meningitis survivor, amputee, Paralympian cyclist and GSK spokesperson contracted meningitis while a student at the University of Texas. She will share her inspiring story of survival and triumph, along with an important message to young adults to know the signs and symptoms of meningitis, as well as how they can help prevent it.

The event will include opening remarks from Jamie and Dr. Leonard Friedland, Vice President, Scientific Affairs & Director of Public Health, GSK Vaccines, North America.

Visuals: Several hundred college/university athletes and GSK employees to attend, which will be held on the historic Boathouse Row. The event will feature teams of 5 people who will have the opportunity to split the hour amongst them to complete the challenge. The goal is to complete the entire hour without the machine stopping. There will be 12 machines (6 bikes and 6 ergs) set up in a circle to represent the 24 hours in which meningitis can take a toll on the body, along with large signage throughout the room highlighting compelling statistics on how meningitis can affect young people. All participants will wear orange t-shirts that say “I took the hour of power rowing/cycling challenge” and will leave with a sticker for people to ask them about the challenge.

Event Details Include:

Time: 12:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Location: Lloyd Hall
1 Boathouse Row
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Cost: Free Admission

To register for the event, visit

Media Contact
Antonio Stephens

Read the groundbreaking new book from Jeff Selingo, THERE IS LIFE AFTER COLLEGE


“Essential reading for high school and college students and their parents. Selingo doesn’t just provide the answers, he makes sure his readers know the important questions to ask. Students looking for a roadmap to the future should get this book and heed its advice.”
– Patricia Rose, Director of Career Services, University of Pennsylvania

“A necessary and thoughtful contribution to the conversation on the role our colleges and universities play in preparing students for young adulthood. Everyone who has an interest in the development of today’s college students and tomorrow’s leaders should read it.” 
– Dan Porterfield, President of Franklin & Marshall College


Compared to their counterparts of a decade ago, more new college graduates are struggling to find the on-ramp to adulthood.

A new study of 20-somethings shows that two-thirds of new college graduates fail to find meaningful employment in the years after they leave school. They either drift from job to job, live with their parents or work part-time gigs that don’t require a college degree.

This extensive national survey finds landing a solid job right after college depends more on what students did during those years—whether they chose a major early on, took on little or no debt, or worked as interns—than where they went to school.

These results are based on the findings of an exclusive survey of 752 young adults, a nationally representative study of people between the ages of 24 and 27, and is featured in the forthcoming book, There Is Life After College.

Today’s college graduates are taking longer to reach key markers of adulthood—marriage, buying a house, and having children, the U.S. Census Bureau has reported. In the 1980s, young adults reached financial independence at the age of 26; today they don’t hit that mark until their 30th birthday.

This transition from adolescence into adulthood is made in one of three ways by new college graduates these days, according to the survey: they are either SprintersWanderers, or Stragglers.


Three Ways Today’s College Graduates Launch Into a Career

Sprinters Wanderers Stragglers
Sprinters move right into full-time work related to their major or go directly to graduate school with specific plans. Determination and experience are markers of Sprinters. 80% of them had an internship in college; 64% were sure of their major going to college. Wanderers take about half of their twenties to get their start in a career. Students who drift through college are likely to become Wanderers afterwards. Only 50% of them had internships in college and were sure of their major going off to school. 66% of Wanderers are women. For Stragglers, most of their twenties are spent trying to get their start in a career. Delay and indecisiveness best describe Stragglers. They often take off time from college or go part-time. 75% of them didn’t hold any internships while in school.


The Sprinters
Sprinters are twentysomethings who either jump right into their career after college or who are on a path to a successful launch after completing additional education. While we imagine this is how most college graduates should start out, only 35 percent of young adults are considered Sprinters.

In general, Sprinters have less than $10,000 in student loan debt (average debt of today’s graduates is $30,000), majored in the so-called STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math), and found a job within six months of graduation, nearly all of them in their field of study.

What really sets the Sprinters apart from other college graduates, however, is that 8 in 10 of them had at least one internship while in college, and 2 out of 3 of them were sure of their major when they started school.

The Wanderers
Young adults who are less sure of their major as they go off to college or change it often while there, are more likely to be among the Wanderers, according to the survey. Wanderers are in the middle of the pack of young adults these days, drifting through their third decade of life and largely treading water in the years after college graduation. Often they return home to live with their parents for a few years, earning the moniker “the boomerang generation.”

The survey found that 32 percent of young adults are Wanderers. In general, Wanderers began working in jobs unrelated to their majors or didn’t find work at all in the first six months after graduation. Half of them didn’t have any internships while in college.

Wanderers tend to take jobs that don’t require a degree—they are baristas, nannies and office assistants—and stay in them for years, not months after college graduation.

Massive shifts in the global economy are having an outsized impact on people in their twenties who have little work experience. Nearly half of recent college graduates are underemployed, the Federal Reserve reports, meaning they have jobs that don’t require a bachelor’s degree. Meanwhile, the average wage of workers with a bachelor’s degree has declined 10 percent since 2000.

Women make up a much larger proportion of Wanderers (66 percent) than do men mostly because they outnumber men in college enrollment (60 percent female vs. 40 percent male). Men who would likely become Wanderers don’t go to college immediately after high-school graduation or at all and then fall into the third group, the Stragglers.

The Stragglers
Stragglers take nearly all of their twenties to get their start in a career. Overall, Stragglers make up 33 percent of today’s young adults, according to the survey. In general, Stragglers go to college part-time, many times end up not graduating with a degree, and then frequently change jobs once they are in a career.

Once again, the role of internships looms large in how twentysomethings launch into a career. Seventy-five percent of Stragglers did not pursue any internships in college, and only about one-third of them were sure of their major when they went to college.

While the Wanderers tend to be those in their twenties taking on jobs unrelated to their majors, the Stragglers often aren’t working at all. In recent years, the labor-force participation rate for young people has declined to its lowest point in about 40 years, according to Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce.

The survey makes clear that if today’s young adults want to stand out in a competitive job market they need to learn to manage multiple pathways available to them through their late teens and early twenties to find the right kinds of educational opportunities, at the right time, to achieve the life they desire.

About the Survey
The survey for There is Life After College was conducted by Maguire Associates, a higher education consulting firm near Boston that frequently polls students on what they think about colleges. The survey group included only young adults who had at least some college experience and were born between 1988 and 1991, giving them some time to start a career in their mid-twenties. A nationally representative research panel recruited and managed by Qualtrics, an online research firm based in Utah, took the 10-minute, 23-question online survey. It was completed by 752 people.

About the Book
Based on the findings of this survey, There is Life After College explores why gaining admission to college, even a top-ranked school, is no longer enough for a teenager to successfully launch into their twenties. Nowadays, what students do in college is much more important than where they go to college. Simply emerging on the other end of the undergraduate years with a bachelor’s degree is not the ticket it once was to a good job and a solid career footing. Incorporating data from this survey with the narratives of a handful of twentysomethings, Jeff Selingo creates a new portrait of what navigating the transition into adulthood looks like. A prominent part of this image is a student’s fundamental experiences, both in and out of school, and how they shape an individual’s standing in the job market of today, allowing some to flourish where others fail.

About the Author
Jeffrey J. Selingo has written about higher education for two decades. He is a regular contributor to the Washington Post and is the author of two previous books, College (Un)bound and MOOC U. He is the former editor of The Chronicle of Higher Education. His writing has been featured in the New York TimesWall Street Journal, and Slate, and he has appeared on ABC, CNN, PBS, and NPR. He is a special adviser and professor of practice at Arizona State University and a visiting scholar at the Center for 21st Century Universities at the Georgia Institute of Technology.


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Rock the Résumé of Your Favorite Recent Grad with Entry into the Largest Gathering of Young Leaders on the Planet, May 19-21 in Tucson, Arizona, at Biosphere 2

TUCSON, ARIZ., APRIL 14, 2016—The One Young World Environment Summit, to be held from May 19-21 in Tucson, Ariz., has three days of discussion, debate and networking in store for 500 young leaders at the world’s largest earth science laboratory, the University of Arizona’s Biosphere 2. The event, which has been nicknamed “Young Davos” by some media outlets, will empower young leaders, aged 18–30, to be the change they want to see in the world. Entry into the summit is also shaping up to be one of the most meaningful college graduation presents of the season, for the following reasons:

1. It makes a résumé stand out. “Attending the One Young World Environment Summit is the single best way to punch up your résumé after graduation,” says One Young World International Managing Director Ella Robertson. “And the best part is that not only does it look great on paper, it is great; our delegates leave our summits feeling informed, empowered and inspired to create change.”

2. Countless networking opportunities. The One Young World Environment Summit—the first in the OYW series to address a specific topic following its six global events—is for young leaders who are passionate about creating tangible solutions to environmental problems. Delegates will be joined by One Young World Counselors who will guide and mentor delegates through their discussions and workshops; counselors for the Environment Summit include actor and activist Adrian Grenier; the first indigenous President of Peru, Alejandro Toledo; NASA Astronaut Ron Garan; CNN meteorologist Jennifer Gray; and Robert Swan OBE, the first man to walk to the North and South Poles.

3. Cool things to see, do and learn about. As well as hearing from global figures, delegates will have the opportunity to make their own presentations and take part in workshops around the Biosphere. Discussions about deforestation will take place in the rainforest while a session on coral erosion will take place on the beach of the ocean area. Topics covered will range from protecting the Arctic and Antarctic to food security, from making COP21 last to the conservation of endangered species.

4. Big new ideas can take root. For those who are interested in getting into environmental fields, the Summit is the place to be. The Summit will build up to delegates going on to create their own initiatives and positive impact in the environmental arena. After the Summit, delegates will have the opportunity to register to join a network of over 7,000 OYW Ambassadors: young leaders who will be driving change in 196 countries. Ninety-eight percent of OYW delegates say that the experience has inspired them to be more socially responsible, and 85 percent report being inspired to start a new initiative because of OYW.

Previous One Young World summits have been held in London, Zurich, Pittsburgh, Johannesburg, Dublin, and Bangkok.

Visit to register for the One Young World Environment Summit. Passes can be bought as full events with shared, individual or no accommodation, or as a one-day ticket.


About One Young World International
One Young World International is a new division of One Young World, the premier global forum for young leaders. It will host a series of satellite events throughout the year, gathering 500 young leaders to discuss pressing global issues. The first event will be specifically themed on the environment and will take place at Biosphere 2, Tucson, Ariz., May 19-21, 2016.

About One Young World
One Young World is the principal global forum for young leaders aged 18 to 30. Established in 2009, One Young World hosts an annual summit attended by 1,300 delegates from 196 countries. No youth-dominated event represents as many countries outside the Olympics. One Young World is a unique platform for young leaders to network with peers from every country and sector, sharing ideas to develop solutions to address urgent global issues.

Following the summit, One Young World Ambassadors go on to deliver initiatives in their countries and communities, often collaborating with other One Young World Ambassadors to develop projects on a global scale. Over 8.9 million people have been impacted by the work of One Young World Ambassadors since 2010, with 2.7 million being impacted in 2015. Unlike any other event, the One Young World Summit gives delegates the kind of media platform afforded ordinarily only to those who lead countries and corporations.

Media Contact
Kate Urbach
1 (917) 575-9513



Students recognized for inventive solutions to challenges in health care, transportation, food and agriculture, and consumer devices

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 12, 2016 – The Lemelson-MIT Program today announced the winners of the Lemelson-MIT Student Prize, a nationwide search for the most inventive college students. The Lemelson-MIT Program awarded $90,000 in prizes to collegiate inventors. Each winning team of undergraduates received $10,000, and each graduate student winner received $15,000. The winners of this year’s competition were selected from a diverse and highly-competitive applicant pool of students from 77 colleges and universities across the country.

“This year’s Lemelson-MIT Student Prize winners have outstanding portfolios of inventive work.” said Michael Cima, faculty director of the Lemelson-MIT Program. “Their passion for solving problems through invention is matched by their commitment to mentoring the next generation of inventors.”

The Lemelson-MIT Student Prize is a national collegiate invention prize program, supported by The Lemelson Foundation, serving as a catalyst for burgeoning young inventors.

“My husband Jerome always felt passionate about the potential of young collegiate inventors,” said Dorothy Lemelson, chairman of The Lemelson Foundation. “The Lemelson-MIT Student Prize has evolved over the past 20 years to encourage and inspire students around the country to develop their ideas into viable products.”

2016 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize Winners

The “Cure it!” Lemelson-MIT Student Prize: Rewarding students working on technology-based inventions that can improve health care.
• Catalin Voss, Stanford University, $15,000 Lemelson-MIT “Cure it!” Graduate Winner: Voss developed the Autism Glass Project, an emotional learning aid for children with autism based on smart glasses like Google Glass. An individual with autism puts on the glasses and they automatically recognize emotions in other people’s faces using an artificial intelligence system. They then give intelligent social cues to the child right then and there via a heads-up display or audio.

• Jason Kang, Katherine Jin and Kevin Tyan, Columbia University, $10,000 Lemelson-MIT “Cure it!” Undergraduate Team Winner: Kang, studying in Columbia’s School of Engineering and Applied Science, along with Columbia College students Jin and Tyan, formed a startup, Kinnos Inc., to develop Highlight, an easy-to-use powdered additive that can be mixed into disinfectant solutions to make them colorized and highly visible. Their invention allows global health care workers to fully cover contaminated surfaces with disinfectant solutions, eliminating gaps in coverage and reducing evaporation rates. Highlight improves the process of infectious disease decontamination by directly addressing the problems of human error and empowering health care workers to protect themselves and the general public.

The “Drive it!” Lemelson-MIT Student Prize: Rewarding students working on technology-based inventions that can improve transportation.
• Dan Dorsch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, $15,000 Lemelson-MIT “Drive it!” Graduate Winner: Dorsch invented the world’s first lightweight clutchless transmission for high-performance hybrid vehicles, which are designed to match the performance of existing supercars while achieving higher efficiency. Dorsch has partnered with a leading performance car company to refine his transmission technology for real-world applications. Dorsch believes it will be straightforward for other automotive manufacturers to adapt his technology for their vehicles, creating greater efficiency and performance in mass consumer models.

The “Eat it!” Lemelson-MIT Student Prize: Rewarding students working on technology-based inventions that can improve food and agriculture.
• Heather Hava, University of Colorado Boulder, $15,000 Lemelson-MIT “Eat it!” Graduate Winner: Hava, a self-proclaimed “space gardener,” has focused her studies in bioastronautics, and specifically inventing ways to grow food in space and other extreme environments. She developed robots that can garden in space and patented a geodesic dome structure for on-Earth applications including use for disaster relief, sustainable housing and horticulture. Her invention SmartPot (SPOT), a smart growth chamber, can be teleoperated to help astronauts grow fruits and vegetables during space exploration missions. AgQ, also developed by Hava, is software that will process data from SPOT and provide feedback to the robot for proper plant care.
• Kale Rogers, Michael Farid, Braden Knight and Luke Schlueter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, $10,000 Lemelson-MIT “Eat it!” Undergraduate Team Winner: Mechanical engineering students Rogers, Farid, Knight and Schlueter created Spyce Kitchen, the world’s first completely automated restaurant. The invention incorporates a refrigerator, dishwasher, stovetop and chef all-in-one, allowing it to cook and serve meals using fresh ingredients without human involvement. The team believes Spyce Kitchen will revolutionize the fast food industry by operating with extremely low overhead while serving high quality, nutritious meals at fast food prices.

The “Use it!” Lemelson-MIT Student Prize: Rewarding students working on technology-based inventions that can improve consumer devices.
• Achuta Kadambi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, $15,000 Lemelson-MIT “Use it!” Graduate Winner: Kadambi designs advanced cameras that acquire superhuman imagery — he believes that the camera should exceed rather than mimic the human eye. His inventions include ultrafast optics to film light in motion (“Nanophotography”) and an imaging system that relates nearly imperceptible rotations of light with 3D models of the world (“Polarized 3D”). At the intersection of electrical engineering, computer science and optics, Kadambi’s work has applications that span medical imaging, robotic navigation and virtual reality.
• Thomas Pryor and Navid Azodi, University of Washington, $10,000 Lemelson-MIT “Use it!” Undergraduate Winners: Pryor and Azodi created SignAloud, a pair of gloves that have the potential to revolutionize communication for people who cannot speak or hear. SignAloud gloves contain an array of sensors that measure hand position and movement, sending sensor data via Bluetooth for translation from American Sign Language to spoken words instantly. The gloves are lightweight, compact, and worn on the hands, but ergonomic enough to use as an everyday accessory, similar to contact lenses or a hearing aid.

Lemelson-MIT Student Prize applicants were evaluated by screening committees with expertise in the invention categories as well as a national judging panel of industry leaders – who also select the annual $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize winner. Screeners and judges assessed candidates on breadth and depth of inventiveness and creativity; potential for societal benefit and economic commercial success; community and environmental systems impact; and experience as a role model for youth.

Students interested in applying for the 2017 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize can find more information here.
The Lemelson-MIT Program is also seeking partners with interest in sponsoring the competition, in addition to supporting the execution and scaling into new categories. Interested sponsors can find more information here.

Celebrating invention, inspiring youth

The Lemelson-MIT Program celebrates outstanding inventors and inspires young people to pursue creative lives and careers through invention.

Jerome H. Lemelson, one of U.S. history’s most prolific inventors, and his wife Dorothy founded the Lemelson-MIT Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1994. It is funded by The Lemelson Foundation and administered by the School of Engineering at MIT, an institution with a strong ongoing commitment to creating meaningful opportunities for K-12 STEM education. For more information, visit

Based in Portland, The Lemelson Foundation uses the power of invention to improve lives. Inspired by the belief that invention can solve many of the biggest economic and social challenges of our time, the Foundation helps the next generation of inventors and invention-based businesses to flourish. The Lemelson Foundation was established in the early 1990s by prolific inventor Jerome Lemelson and his wife Dorothy. To date the Foundation has made grants totaling over $200 million in support of its mission. For more information, visit

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Molly Owen
Cone Communications
(617) 939-8445 

Stephanie Martinovich
Lemelson-MIT Program
(617) 258-0632



Master business fundamentals in ten weeks — from the comfort of your own home

April 11, 2016 — BOSTON — As spring break ends and summer approaches, there is always talk of summer learning loss, but not so much when speaking of college-aged students, or those in or entering graduate school. While those individuals might not be as prone to losing knowledge acquired throughout the year as compared to younger children, summer represents a time for opportunistic learning — to get a head start on the school year and to broaden skill sets in various subjects.

HBX CORe, a three-course online business fundamentals program powered by the faculty of Harvard Business School, is an effective way for students of all majors to master essential business principles (in just eight or 10 weeks) before fall classes begin. HBX CORe gives students the skills and confidence they need to be successful in the business world, regardless of their field of study or future career path. Upon successful completion of the program, students receive a Credential of Readiness from HBX and Harvard Business School – a clear resume-builder and opportunity to get ahead of the curve.

Peter LaBerge, an English major with a concentration in creative writing and a minor in consumer psychology through the University of Pennsylvania’s College of Arts & Sciences and Wharton School of Business, enrolled in CORe after his spring semester to build his business acumen.

“As the end of my freshman year of college drew near, I realized I was at a pivotal point in my academic career: I could either continue to rely on entrepreneurial instinct — which, honestly, had served me fairly well through my founding and developing The Adroit Journal to that point — or I could commit to establishing a strong understanding of economic principle, financial accounting and business analytics,” LaBerge said. “During my summer as an HBX student, I realized that instinct is only one piece of the puzzle. I realized that it is important — no, essential — to understand how to not only process and analyze the proper metrics to make effective decisions, but also communicate and defend these findings to stakeholders and colleagues.”

Unlike other online programs, the unique HBX learning model effectively marries Harvard Business School’s renowned case study method approach to teaching with an interactive, online, community-based curriculum in a way that provides an opportunity for individuals to learn business fundamentals and directly apply their learnings to their respective careers. This means that students can work their summer jobs or at their internships during the day and have the flexibility to participate in HBX CORe in their free time. CORe provides the essential elements individuals need to know to get started in their respective careers — whether it be at a big company, a small start-up, or a nonprofit — and is bundled into three distinct courses: Business Analytics, Economics for Managers and Financial Accounting. There are 10 program starts throughout the year — and two offered this summer.

Participants in HBX CORe will join a supportive global network of HBX learners who are regularly called upon to engage within the course platform through online discussions, shared insights, peer feedback and private Facebook groups. The ability to learn from, and network with, a cohort of committed learners from around the globe is something students won’t find in other online programs.

Applications are now available online through May 15 for June’s 10-week cohort and through June 13 for July’s 8-week session. For more information on how to apply to CORe, visit HBX online.

About HBX
Founded in 2014, HBX — Harvard Business School’s digital learning initiative — is changing the way individuals learn about business. HBX was established to expand the reach of Harvard Business School and to further the school’s mission of educating leaders who make a difference in the world. While still in the early days of online learning on a global scale, HBX has a jumpstart with 100 plus years of business education experience and a passionate faculty whose vision has been reimagined for the digital age. Find us online at

Media contact
Deanna Haas for HBX
(774) 773-9571

Fuse and Voto Latino seek aspiring journalists to Crash the Parties

Crash Logo

Fuse (, a national television network for the fast-growing Latino and multicultural 18-34 audience, and Voto Latino, the leading nonprofit organization empowering American Latino millennials by engaging them through civic media, today announced the official launch of Crash the Parties, a partnership created to inspire and encourage Latino participation in the upcoming Presidential election.

The Crash the Parties initiative is a nationwide search to identify two aspiring millennial reporters to cover the Democratic and Republican National Conventions for Fuse. Beginning today, those interested in being considered can apply either online at or at live events taking place at college campuses across the nation, the first of which was held at the University of Southern California on March 30. For more location updates, please visit Submissions are being accepted through May 15.

Key launch elements include the website created exclusively for Crash the Parties reporter submissions, as well as a series of PSAs that will run on the Fuse and FM networks;; social media channels; as well as select cable systems across the U.S.

Following an initial public voting process that will identify the top ten finalists, two winners will be chosen in June by a panel of influential, expert judges. Judges confirmed so far include Jose Antonio Vargas, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, filmmaker and media publisher; Alejandra Campoverdi, current Director of Multicultural Content at the Los Angeles Times and former White House Deputy Director of Hispanic Media; Maria Hinojosa, award-winning host of long-running weekly NPR show Latino USA; Lizza Monet Morales, actor, journalist, producer and social media influencer; and Katherine Vargas, former White House Director of Hispanic Media.

Once identified, the winners will receive media training and serve as Fuse reporters from the Democratic and Republican convention floors – appearing on television and online – offering an authentic perspective on the candidates, the election and issues at the forefront.

About Fuse
Fuse ( is a national television network reflecting the wide-ranging tastes and attitudes of the fast-growing, multicultural and Latino 18-34 audience. The network relaunched September 30, 2015, expanding beyond music with original entertainment programming. Fuse is currently available in approximately 70 million households, and reaches consumers across multiple other platforms, from video on demand to online, mobile, social media and live events.

About Voto Latino
Voto Latino is a pioneering civic media organization that seeks to transform America by recognizing Latinos’ innate leadership. Through innovative digital campaigns, pop culture, and grassroots voices, we provide culturally relevant programs that engage, educate and empower Latinos to be agents of change. Together, we aim to build a stronger and more inclusive democracy. To learn more about Voto Latino, visit Also engage Voto Latino on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Instagram.

For additional assets, please visit

Ramen Burger, the Elusive Burger Sensation, to be Available for the Masses at Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brews


Gourmet Burger Authority is Offering the Red Ramen Burger to the First 22 College Students for 22 cents –Average Cost of Packet of Ramen, a Quintessential College Staple

GREENWOOD VILLAGE, Colo., March 29, 2016 – The ramen burger – the latest food frenzy to sweep New York and Los Angeles – is going national for the first time! Starting April 4, guests can line up at Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brews (Red Robin) restaurants around the country to get a taste of the highly sought after culinary craze. To celebrate the limited time offer, Red Robin has dubbed April 19 Red Ramen Day, and the first 22 college students in the door with an appetite and valid student ID can get the Red Ramen Burger and Bottomless Steak Fries for only 22 cents – the average cost of a packet of ramen, a quintessential college staple.

“We closely follow emerging trends, and when the ramen burger first debuted, our culinary team worked to develop Red Robin’s take on the foodie favorite, enabling us to be the first to offer it nationally,” said Jonathan Muhtar, Red Robin’s senior vice president and chief marketing officer. “At Red Robin, we strive to constantly provide our guests with unique experiences and menu items that they can’t get anywhere else in the casual dining industry.”

The Red Ramen Burger is the latest deliciously daring innovation from Red Robin, which has previously introduced ghost pepper to its menu before it became trendy and mainstreamed the beer milkshake. Available through June 5, the Red Ramen Burger, served on a crispy seasoned ramen bun, is topped with teriyaki and Chiu Chow aioli, a medley of chili-infused shredded cabbage, carrot and onion and garnished with fresh basil. To further celebrate Red Ramen Day on April 19, Red Robin is giving all guests a $2.22 discount off the new burger in participating restaurants.

For more information on Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brews, or to find the Red Robin restaurant location nearest you, visit To sign up for the Red Robin Royalty™ loyalty program, visit

About Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc. (NASDAQ: RRGB)
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc. (, a casual dining restaurant chain founded in 1969 that operates through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Red Robin International, Inc., and under the trade name, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brews, is the Gourmet Burger Authority™, famous for serving more than two dozen craveable, high-quality burgers with Bottomless Steak Fries® in a fun environment welcoming to guests of all ages. Whether a family dining with kids, adults grabbing a drink at the bar or teens enjoying a meal, Red Robin offers an unparalleled experience for its guests. In addition to its many burger offerings, Red Robin serves a wide variety of salads, soups, appetizers, entrees, desserts and signature beverages. Red Robin offers a variety of options behind the bar, including its extensive selection of local and regional beers, and innovative adult beer shakes and cocktails, earning the restaurant a VIBE Vista Award for Best Beer Program in a Multi-Uni t Chain Restaurant. There are more than 530 Red Robin restaurants across the United States and Canada, including Red Robin Burger Works® locations and those operating under franchise agreements. Red Robin… YUMMM®! Connect with Red Robin on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

### Names the ABCs of College Student Searches


OAKLAND, Calif., March 24, 2016 –, the leading online and mobile resource dedicated to helping users master the art of language, today released Your College in a Word, the most popular definitions searched at colleges and universities from coast to coast. The list includes top-seeded NCAA March Madness schools, the Ivy League, and campuses in New England, Massachusetts, and Texas.

“From putting polishing touches on final papers to finding the perfect adjective to describe a Friday night party, college students are looking up words that run the gamut from lighthearted to more serious topics,” said Elizabeth McMillan, CEO of “These words illuminate the different culture or issues that surround each specific campus, from an Ivy League’s frequent search of the word ‘fat’ to Duke University’s more obscure word, ‘encomium.’”’s list of most searched words at colleges are:

Baylor University: phlegmatic
Boston College: irascibly
Boston University: measurement
Brown University: trust
Columbia University: barter
Cornell University: amiable
Dartmouth College: bare
DePaul University: wreaking
Duke University: encomium
Gonzaga University: last
Harvard University: fat
Indiana University Bloomington: comport
Iowa State University: photoautotroph
Northeastern University: metaphor
Princeton University: abode
Providence College: contender
Rice University: hopeful
Sam Houston State University: environment
Smith College: sparkle
Southern Methodist University: godspeed
Texas A&M University: computer
Texas State University: utilitarianism
Tufts College: onomatopoeia
University of Houston: ethics
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign: imperative
University of Kansas: precipitation
University of Maryland, College Park: exigence
University of Miami: historical novels
University of New Hampshire: awesome
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: chagrined
University of Notre Dame: judeo-christian
University of Oklahoma: hydrate
University of Oregon: hurricane
University of Pennsylvania: niche
University of Texas: masochist
University of Vermont: knowledge
University of Virginia: reprisal
University of Wisconsin-Madison: physique
Villanova University: ambivalent
Wellesley College: dissolve
Yale University: ambiguous

Data for Your College in a Word was determined through zip code matches to search data in 2015. To inquire about the most frequently searched word at a specific university, contact

About, an IAC (NASDAQ: IAC) company, is the world’s leading, definitive online and mobile resource dedicated to helping people master the art of language. We provide tens of millions of global monthly users with reliable access to millions of definitions, synonyms, audio pronunciations, example sentences, translations and spelling help through our services at and Our leading mobile applications for reference and education have been downloaded more than 100 million times.