Author Archives: uwirepr


What is it all about? is the answer. The site is going to revolutionize the dating industry…..Just think, if you could converse with your date and hear their voice answering questions about themselves before ever even meeting them.

OPEN Friday night.  Read the balloons by clicking on the balloons.

This is real Carnie flash for your site..No one else has it yet.  But they will. Be the first to add a link to your collection of games.

Balloon 1

As you/one ask the questions, it is a secret what you ask. As you answer, you/one will never be on the spot to think of something clever fast.    You/one will have all the time in the world.

Click  “ START” There are 1-1000 posible q’s and a’s you can invent…… Ask a question or make a comment that deserves an answer. Speak fairly slowly and enunciate.  Say the larger words faster and the smaller words slower.

Balloon 2

Click “the second balloon and then click “START” when you see the button start and are ready with an answer to the question.  Have you answer at the tip of your tongue and after clksking start speak your  comment or answer.  Only someone you give your User Id will hear your comment when he/she asks the proper question.  It is s ecret to all others…..Now go back to balloon one and ask the next question or make the next comment to be answered.

Balloon 3

Now that you/one has asked and answered all the questions and comments he/she cares to quote, in this phase you may enter your/ ones user id and click start. This is the only time you/one will click startin this node of the system…Now very simple, ask your/ones question or make a comment and see what the prerecorded answer is. Listen then ask again.  The computer is listening( after the last  answeris heard) fot the next convfersational comment or question.  Then it will answer, and you begin your discussion with the computer.

Don’t be distracted by the fact that this is a new website, . It will be seen and bourne out that one person can benefit from the site in the first month or the first year, or 20 years from now. On occasion one might quip, it would be advantageous to say I spoke with a family member today that I haven’t talked to in 40 years.

In conclusion , it is a matter of no difficulty what is right,, to be firm and correct your site could benefit from the site tremendously…The implications are obvious, as it will be seen.  30 day free trial, and furthermore one may advertise their own site in between significant comments and retorts.

Give me 10 minutes of your time to read the balloons on the front page and see the video and such as it is  ‘iwill delight you!!!!

Site owned and operated by Corny Cornball….I.E.  Douglas “Corny Cornball”  Cornish.


Media Contact
Douglas Cornish
Douglas “Corny Cornball” Cornish owns and operates and… all far out and funky sites revolutionizing a few fields.

Jazz Assistant – Create Inspiring Music You can Use and Play

What is Jazz Assistant?
Jazz Assistant is a computer software program which generates computer music . It uses specific design criteria (an algorithm) to create a printout (a musical composition). The printout can be played by humans for any musical instrument. It is designed for jazz and the blues

Benefits of Jazz Assistant
No writers block: The algorithm will produce music which will stimulate you so you can create your own jazz and blues compositions. The music created will be printed so you can use it directly or use it to inspire new jazz and blues compositions. Each selection is non-redundant, meaning that with just a small selection of the music, you will have a variety of ways you can use the musical creations. Best of all, you can use it right away. The music comes in printed score-sheets that you can study and can also play.
Share the credit, not all the royalty: Once you download the composition, it’s yours to do with as you like. My fees come through the subscription service or by your initial payment of each page. There is no requirement that share all royalties for creations you create. All that we ask is that you credit DOUGLAS CORNISH & ANDREI BELUTA as a joint composer.

Listen to a sample
Each day, you can listen to a different free sample to get a free feel for what can do for you. The compositions are create a wonderful random generation or notes and chord segments. The music is ablaze with bold brash blues progressions and jazz syncopation of musicality. It’s “cool” to listen to.

Why Jazz Assistant is unique
• Capability: The algorithm has the capabilities of creating more than 1 octodocillion pages, all original and different. By changing the decision criteria, according to a randomness factor, different capabilities can be created.
• Uniqueness: The uniqueness of the algorithm is the numerological design of the relative chords and scales and the ways the musical scales are combined. The algorithm first combines the music in an Ionian scale, then a Mixolydian scale and then resolves to a Dorian scale but diminished, or augmented, major and/or minor. The computer program uses a 2,5,1 format – a standard musical progression of chords and scales in the key of C,D,G, then back to C adjusted for all the keys in different modalities. The program is written in Java.

Background of the Creators
Douglas “Corny Cornball” Cornish has been composing and playing blues and jazz for many years. He has been working in the econometric industry for seven years. Douglas Cornish and Andrei Beleuta, a software engineer, created the program which generates the music on April 9, 2013..

At the risk of sounding sophomoric, I will publish an article without the eeditor, as follows. Quoting one composer.

Quoting one composer from Greenwich Village’s café Wha.

The fanciful algorithmic progressions producing music of sound condition satisfactorily and excellently relative to each other with accepted formulations of non-redundant musical notation by Corny Cornball….will stimulate (previously to hearing it)
respective dormant divisions of neurological neuron bundles that by most standards have the complexities of learning imputed knowing form and format of jazz improvisation>

I.E. No writers block.

The free hand the reader and the listener of the site in composing what the author wants the audience to feel is an opulent
combination and permutation of of randomly generated notes and chord segments.

The personality of the music is ablaze with subtle and downright bold brash blues progressions and jazz syncopation of musicality.

There is new and improved intellectual honesty when saying the jazz is abstract; however, writing down one’s zest for life consummate in the piano composer….it goes to publication. Edit and copyright , it is yours…..Just mention and write the sites owners name as a joint composer.


Media Contact
Douglas Cornish
Douglas “Corny Cornball” Cornish owns and operates and… all far out and funky sites revolutionizing a few fields.

Campus 101: How to Avoid the “Freshman 15”

By Sylvia Meléndez-Klinger, RD

Anyone who’s visited a college dining hall knows the “Freshman 15” isn’t just an urban myth. Between the pasta bar, stir-fry station and dessert table, it’s easy to overindulge – over and over again. But being away from home and adjusting to college life doesn’t have to derail your diet. Developing a simple routine can help you stay fit and focused for the year.

Here are a few tried and true tips from fellow college students (and their parents) that can help you avoid putting on the extra pounds this school year. Following this guidance, as well as eating a balanced diet and staying active, can be a piece of cake (pun intended)!

1. Power Up Your Day

Don’t skip breakfast. If you are rushing to class, grab a piece of fruit, yogurt and granola or a handful of nuts. Or get up a little early (hint: don’t hit snooze) to grab a bite to eat at the dining hall. Put your breakfast on a small plate versus a tray to avoid taking more food than needed to get you going for the day.

2. Take the Long Way

Spending some time exercising will help you burn off those calories you consume from food. Squeeze in some exercise by taking the long route to and from class, or walking instead of taking the bus. Or, turn your backpack into a barbell by throwing in some extra books and taking the stairs. You’ll burn calories and tone those muscles in no time.

3. Give Your Mini-Fridge a Makeover

Whether you’re hanging out with roommates or cramming for an exam, eating in your room at odd hours is part of college life. Making the right choices, and in the right sizes, can mean the difference between picking up extra weight or picking up a hot date. To keep your snacking habits in check, stock your fridge and dorm room with your favorite pre-portioned drinks and snacks, such as mini cans of Coca-Cola, fruit cups, mini Babybel cheese, Nutri-Grain cereal bars, small bags of pre-cut fruits and veggies and individually wrapped snack packs.

4. Avoid the Midnight Snacking Mayhem

We all know college life comes with late night snacking. To avoid temptation, bring healthier snacks to keep you going or study in a place without food (read: avoid studying in the dining hall because it’s stock full of yummy temptations). If you have evening classes or plan on a night out, eat dinner beforehand so you’re not starved late into the night when that pizza delivery can become oh-so-appealing.

5. Buddy Up

Eating right and exercising alone can cause a serious case of FOMO (fear of missing out). So ask your roommates and friends to join in on the fun to keep you motivated and looking great in your selfies! Set a time each day to work out together, go for a jog, join an ultimate Frisbee game or start a pick-up basketball game at the gym. Also, keep each other accountable for making the right food choices at the dining hall and late at night.

Meléndez-Klinger is a registered dietitian based in the Chicago area. She is the mother of a college student and a high school senior. She also consults for companies including The Coca-Cola Company, Kellogg’s, The National Fisheries Institute and others. Introduces Extensive List of Free Online Courses for Fall 2014

Evanston, Ill., Aug. 27, 2014 – Along with their university partners, online course platforms Coursera and edX are offering 200+ great courses this fall. provides easy access to thousands of the best online higher-education resources for students, counselors, teachers, parents and lifetime learners, and is pleased to present a refreshingly simple list of the most current course offerings for the fall. Quickly scan through course titles from top U.S. and global universities to find the ones best suited to your interests.

Some of the most popular offerings starting soon include:

• The Science of Happiness (University of California at Berkeley) – Starting Sept 9
• An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Rice University) – Starting Sept 15
• Cryptography II (Stanford University) – Starting Sept 15
• Machine Learning (Stanford University) – Starting Sept 22
• An Introduction to Operations Management (University of Pennsylvania) – Starting Sept 29
• Shakespeare: On the Page and in Performance (Wellesley College) – Starting Oct 1
• Game Theory (Stanford University) – Starting Oct 5
• Introduction to Finance (University of Michigan) – Starting Oct 6
• Model Thinking (University of Michigan) – Starting Oct 6
• Algorithms, Part II (Princeton University) – Starting Oct 31

Check out the full list of courses as well as enrollment dates at

Published by StartSpot Mediaworks, Inc., is the newest addition to the StartSpot Network, a collection of award-winning information portals designed to make finding the best topical information on the Internet a quick, easy and enjoyable experience. Current sites in the StartSpot Network include ,, and more. Headquartered in Evanston, Ill., StartSpot Mediaworks strives to create exemplary, high-utility best of Web resources that engage, enlighten and inspire. For more information, visit

Jennifer Borders, Managing Editor
(847) 868-2175

Top 5 Reasons T-Mobile and Metro PCS Customers Should Switch Now to Cricket Wireless

Cricket Logo

Cricket offers more 4G LTE coverage, affordable prices and loyalty rewards 

Atlanta, GA, Aug. 22, 2014 — Cricket Wireless is offering T-Mobile and Metro PCS customers a $100 bill credit and five great reasons to switch. The $100 bill credit* offer is available from Aug. 24 to Oct. 19, 2014, at Cricket stores nationwide and online.  There is no limit on the number of lines a customer can switch to Cricket, receiving a $100 bill credit for each line transferred.

The new Cricket Wireless experience offers customers:

  1. More 4G LTE coverage than T-Mobile and Metro PCS, period
  2. Taxes and fees included – no surprises, the price you see is the price you pay
  3. A free smartphone every year with Cricket Rewards**
  4. Plans starting at $35 a month after $5 credit for using auto pay ***
  5. No annual contracts

With Cricket’s simple affordable pricing plans, a $100 bill credit equals more than two months of free service with the Basic Plan at $35 (after a $5 credit for using auto pay) and the Smart Plan at $45 (after a $5 auto pay credit). Customers who sign up with the Pro Plan at $55 (after $5 auto pay credit) get the equivalent of nearly two months of service free.

“T-Mobile and Metro PCS customers looking to switch will find the new Cricket a smart choice,” said Cricket vice president and chief marketing officer Janna Ducich. “We give consumers straightforward, affordable pricing, offer nationwide 4G LTE coverage, and reward their loyalty. And for the next few weeks, we’ll give them a $100 bill credit to see it for themselves.”

To switch to Cricket or find a store near you, visit

About Cricket Wireless

Cricket is bringing consumers more value with a simple, friendly, and reliable nationwide wireless experience with no annual contract.  The power of Cricket is our nationwide 4G LTE network that covers more than 290 million people; easy and affordable unlimited plans with taxes and fees included; annual loyalty rewards; and a great selection of phones customers love. Cricket, Something to Smile About.  Cricket is a subsidiary of AT&T Inc. Coverage not available everywhere.


Terms and Conditions

* $100 T-Mobile/MetroPCS Switcher Credit Terms and Conditions – Offer ends 10/19/14.  Available only to T-Mobile and MetroPCS customers porting a number to Cricket Wireless who purchase and activate a new line of service on a Basic, Smart or Pro rate plan.  One $100 Switcher Credit per line of service.  Credit issued to customer’s account approximately 5 days before end of initial service period.  Customer’s account must be in active status and customer must be on a qualifying rate plan to receive Switcher Credit.  Suspended or cancelled accounts are not eligible to receive Switcher Credits.  Lines added to Group Save (multi-line) accounts 5 or fewer days prior to the end of a bill cycle will receive Switcher Credits during the following month of service.  Switcher Credits have no cash value, are not redeemable for cash or any cash equivalent and are not transferable or refundable.  Account credits are forfeited if your account is cancelled for any reason.  May not be combined with any other offer.  © 2014 Cricket Wireless LLC.  All rights reserved.  Cricket and the Cricket logo are trademarks under license to Cricket Wireless LLC.

**Auto Pay: $5 savings provided as an account credit at the end of each billing cycle while enrolled in Auto Pay.  Auto Pay credit requires Auto Pay enrollment with a new Basic, Smart or Pro plan. Terms, conditions and restriction apply.

***Cricket Rewards: Loyalty Program: Cricket Customers on Smart and Pro plans earn one (1) Reward Credit for each full, on-time payment. Reward Credits are only redeemable for a phone upgrade once customer has earned a Device Credit(s). Customers earn a $50 Device Credit for every twelve (12) Reward Credits earned. Reward Credits expire, if unused, sixty (60) months after Device Credit becomes redeemable. Reward Credits earned at the account level. Device Credits are capped at $150 without redemption and are not-transferrable and have no cash value. Restrictions Apply. 

For media inquiries, contact:
Nneoma Njoku, Cricket Wireless
For press materials visit new Cricket newsroom


Comcast Logo


Xfinity On Campus Lets Students Watch Live TV and On Demand Programming Across Devices

Philadelphia, PA – August 21, 2014 – Comcast today launched Xfinity On Campus, a service that lets college students watch live TV and On Demand content on their IP-enabled devices, including, laptops, tablets and smartphones while on campus. The service, which is included with room and board for students living in on-campus housing, will be available this fall at Bridgewater College, Drexel University, Emerson College, Lasell College, and the University of Delaware. In addition, several schools, including Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of New Hampshire, will be trialing the program with students this fall.

Xfinity On Campus offers approximately 80 live cable channels including every major broadcast network as well as channels like AMC, Bravo, Comedy Central, ESPN, FX and MTV.  Students also can access thousands of current season TV shows and hit movies via Xfinity On Demand.  While off campus, students can use their university credentials to authenticate and access online programming that’s part of their subscription via TV Everywhere websites and apps such as WatchESPN and FXNOW.

“Xfinity on Campus lets students watch TV on their own terms,” said Marcien Jenckes, Executive Vice President of Consumer Services for Comcast Cable.  “With this younger generation, more and more viewing is happening away from the traditional TV set and we have evolved our products and services to better engage them. Whether it’s Game of Thrones, Scandal or The Daily Show, Xfinity On Campus offers all the content they want – anytime, anywhere, on any device.”

Millennials are the largest generation in the U.S. and are watching more TV on computers, tablets and smartphones than ever before. At the same time, 106 million Americans watch TV online today and that number is expected to grow to 145 million by 2017.

Xfinity On Campus customers can also upgrade to a selection of premium channels, including HBO, Showtime, STARZ, as well as the Sports Entertainment Package, which includes popular channels like ESPN Goal Line. Plus, in addition to all the live TV and On Demand Choices, they will soon have the option to upgrade to a cloud-based DVR service, giving them the ability to record and watch their favorite programming on devices, and also “check-out” recordings by downloading them directly to the device to take on-the-go.

Drexel’s Vice President and Chief Information Officer John A. Bielec said, “Xfinity On Campus is a leap into the future, leveraging Drexel’s campus network to provide media content to our residential students at any time and any place. It’s a perfect fit for today’s student mobile lifestyle.”

Powered by Comcast’s cloud-based X1 Entertainment Operating System, Xfinity On Campus provides an opportunity to introduce a younger generation to the company’s next-generation video product.  X1 delivers an immersive and personalized entertainment experience across all devices in an interface that is sleek, intuitive and makes search and discovery of content easier than ever.

How it works:
Xfinity On Campus requires only one piece of on-premise equipment, making it easy and cost-effective for the university’s IT department to manage and maintain. To access the full service, students must live on campus. They can register for the service and sign in with their university credentials via or by downloading the Xfinity On Campus app. While off-campus, they can use their university credentials to authenticate and access programming via third-party TV Everywhere sites and apps.

About Comcast Cable:
Comcast Cable is the nation’s largest video, high-speed Internet and phone provider to residential customers under the XFINITY brand and also provides these services to businesses.  Comcast has invested in technology to build an advanced network that delivers among the fastest broadband speeds, and brings customers personalized video, communications and home management offerings.  Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA, CMCSK) is a global media and technology company.  Visit for more information.


# # #

Media Contacts: 
Debbie Frey


“Textbook” barely captures the range of course materials produced by professional publishers and in use on campuses everywhere 
For over 10 years, publishers have redefined the concept of “textbooks” through content and technology innovations.  Student and faculty benefit from countless options created to serve all kinds of learners and be cost-effective.  Among them:  digital and online textbooks, adaptive learning programs, downloadable single chapters, mobile apps, customizable textbooks and multiplatform supplemental resources.

Publishers offer students a semester’s course materials for as little as $33/textbook 
Publishers now offer 90%+ of their titles to be licensed digitally for up to 60% below a print textbook purchase.  This means convenience, cost savings and additional functionality and tools.

Licensed content is just one of many cost-saving options available from publishers
Students can also buy black-and-white editions, downloaded self-print editions, even single online chapters for $1.99.

Finding out about all these options is easy
Want to rent six textbooks per semester for just $200 (about $33/book)?  CourseSmart, the digital rental service launched in 2007 by publishers, licenses 90%+ of the current core higher ed titles – over 40,000 titles from 60 publishers – with instant-access subscription plans covering a semester’s worth of materials.  Also ask your professor about available formats for required reading, since publishers provide that information to universities, and your campus bookstore.  And visit publishers’ websites, which are information-rich and often sell directly.

It takes $500,000-$3 million, up to 7000 hours’ research and writing and 200+ scholars to produce a new textbook or revise an existing one
High-quality course material requires professional research, writing, editing, vetting, graphics and illustrations, design, production and distribution.  Publishers also produce supplemental tools, extensive faculty support materials and accessibility for students with print disabilities.  Digital content has additional costs.  Students and faculty expect tech products aligned with content, requiring development, testing, training and ongoing upgrades.  Content must be digitized to match – or exceed – the print experience.  And something you might not realize:  since retailers keep their platforms incompatible, all digitization needs to be adapted multiple times.

There’s no such thing as free textbooks
Some companies offer a free single online book license but make you buy the print version, testing, study guides and other standard collateral material…like getting a free car chassis but having to buy the tires, engine, seats and everything else.  Other companies provide free textbooks to capture and monetize your personal data, raising privacy questions.  When universities and other non-profits produce free textbooks, you should ask:  Is funding coming from students’ tuition fees?  If government-funded, is content independent of political interference?  Is content digital or just print, and is technology current and upgraded?  Is the content accessible to people with print disabilities?

The used rental print book industry is a contributing factor to rising textbook costs
One way publishers contain prices is through a consistent stream of new materials being bought in the marketplace.  The used print book rental market – which provides significant profits to the rental businesses – keeps old books in circulation, reducing the need for replacements and further limiting publishers’ ability to recoup investments.

Student spending on course materials has decreased or stayed flat for the past four years
Per market researcher Student Monitor, the average 2013-2014 student spend for all course materials (including print, eTextbooks, used books and rentals) was $520.  It reported that the average spend specifically for new print textbooks was $245, down -31% from Spring 2010, and spending for all formats including eTextbooks and rentals fell -17% too.  And read the fine print on surveys claiming these costs are up:  Many surveys only track print textbook purchases and ignore licensing and e-formats or they lump course materials in a bigger “books and supplies” category along with computers, lab supplies and other expenses.

Publishers ensure that students with print disabilities have the same learning experiences as their peers
Every student has the right to the same experience in learning.  Publishers build accessibility into their materials and have been at the forefront of ensuring that students with print disabilities can learn competitively through the digital transition.  Publishers co-founded the user-friendly AccessText Network in 2009, connecting students and their campus DSS offices with publishers’ accessible content – currently a 345,000-title database.  In partnership with the National Federation of the Blind, publishers helped bring the TEACH Act to Congress.

“Cheap” means nothing if you don’t pass and graduate
What differentiates professional publishers’ course materials from non-professionals’ works are the investments made to create learning solutions supporting student success: whether students complete courses and graduate.  Publishers incorporate tested, proven learning methods into the content they design, combined with state-of-the-art learning-based technology.  If you’re dedicating the time and money to a college education, your learning materials should be more than “good enough.”

What’s more popular on campus:  print or digital?
Impossible to say.  The few existing surveys are too narrow.  And habits and preferences will evolve as current students are replaced by more digital younger siblings.  Publishers will continue to provide all students at all learning levels in all formats and options they want.

Produced by the Association of American Publishers.  For more information or to arrange an interview with an industry expert, contact

Bankrate Launches #FutureSelfie College Scholarship


NORTH PALM BEACH, Fla., August 6, 2014/ UWire/ — Bankrate, Inc. announces its first-ever scholarship offering. Focusing on the ubiquity of selfies and the imagination of students, the #FutureSelfie Scholarship will award scholars who most successfully use the selfie as a medium to illustrate their future aspirations. Bankrate is now accepting applications through October 31, 2014.

The 2014 Bankrate #FutureSelfie Scholarship will award a total of $5,000 in scholarship funds to three undergraduate or graduate students. Two scholars will each receive awards of $1,000, and one scholar will receive the grand prize award of $3,000. Awards will go directly to the winners’ schools to help defray the rising costs of education and reduce borrowing amounts. According to the Institute for College Access and Success, the average graduate in 2012 who took out student loans accrued nearly $30,000 in debt.

“We’re thrilled to award a few creative folks with some funds that can chip away the tuition bill,” says Brandon Duncombe, Promotion Manager for Bankrate. “Selfies are an exciting way to earn money for school. Right now, they’re a snapshot of the present. We’re excited to see the response and how students will use them to illustrate their dreams.”

To learn more about the #FutureSelfie scholarship and apply, go to:

Bankrate #FutureSelfie winners will be selected based on the creativity and uniqueness of their entry, which includes a photo and a caption. To be eligible, students must be at least 16 years of age and college-bound or currently enrolled at an accredited two- or four-year college, university or vocational/ technical school.

About Bankrate, Inc.

Bankrate (NYSE: RATE) is a leading publisher, aggregator, and distributor of personal finance content on the Internet. Bankrate provides consumers with proprietary, fully researched, comprehensive, independent and objective personal finance editorial content across multiple vertical categories including mortgages, deposits, insurance, credit cards, and other categories, such as retirement, automobile loans, and taxes. The Bankrate network includes, our flagship website, and other owned and operated personal finance websites, including,,,,,,,, and Bankrate aggregates rate information from over 4,800 institutions on more than 300 financial products. With coverage of nearly 600 local markets in all 50 U.S. states, Bankrate generates over 172,000 distinct rate tables capturing on average over three million pieces of information daily. Bankrate develops and provides web services to over 80 co-branded websites with online partners, including some of the most trusted and frequently visited personal finance sites on the Internet such as Yahoo!, CNN Money, CNBC, and Comcast. In addition, Bankrate licenses editorial content to over 500 newspapers on a daily basis including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and The Boston Globe.

For more information contact:

Brandon Duncombe
Promotion Manager
(561) 630-2400 x12406

SOURCE Bankrate, Inc.

Cricket Wireless First National Carrier to Launch the ZTE Grand™ X

Adding Choice to 4G Lineup that will Excite Back to School Shoppers Seeking Deals from Coast-to-Coast

Cricket Logo

Alpharetta, Ga., August 1, 2014 – Cricket Wireless announces the launch of a new 4G smartphone from ZTE, the Grand X, adding another option to the hottest back-to-school promotion from a no- annual contract wireless service. Starting August 8, the ZTE Grand X will be available for $99.99 (after $50 mail-in rebate Cricket Visa® Promotion Card*) in stores and online.

“With its big, bright 5” display, the ZTE Grand X will appeal to students looking for a well featured, large profile smartphone with access to Cricket’s new 4G nationwide network that covers over 98% of the population,” said Andy Smoak, head of product for Cricket Wireless.  “This deal with unlimited plans starting at $35 per month after $5 Auto Pay credit** gives consumers more options at great prices.”

Additionally, The ZTE Grand X sports a long-lasting 2300 mAh battery with Qualcomm® Quick Charge™ 1.0 technology so consumers can spend less time charging and more time being productive, playing games and listening to music.  The innovative battery technology charges up to 40% faster than conventional technology.  Other features include:

  • Corning® Gorilla® Glass  for added screen protection
  • Dual cameras, 5 MP (rear facing) with flash and HD video /1MP (front facing) for selfies and video chat
  • An immersive music listening experience with SRS® TruMedia surround sound
  • A Qualcomm Snapdragon™ 1.2 GHz dual-core processor for faster productivity and gaming
  • Android 4.3 OS with the tools to help keep your mobile life organized

The hot new smartphone deals continue to show up at Cricket and Cricket’s national loyalty program, Cricket Rewards***, gives loyal customers a new smartphone every year. To thank customers on  Smart and Pro service plans for their loyalty, after 12 months of on-time payments Cricket provides customers with a $50 credit every year toward any new phone purchase. These and other offers are available at more than 3,000 Cricket Wireless retail stores across the U.S. and online. To check out the new Cricket, the Back-to-School promotion, or find a store near you, visit and connect with us on Facebook at and Twitter at

About the new Cricket Wireless  
Cricket is bringing consumers more value with a simple, friendly, and reliable nationwide wireless experience with no annual contract.  The power of Cricket is our nationwide 4G LTE network that covers more than 290 million people; easy and affordable unlimited plans with taxes and fees included; annual loyalty rewards; and a great selection of phones customers love. Cricket, Something to Smile About.  Cricket is a subsidiary of AT&T Inc. Coverage not available everywhere.

*Mail-In Rebate Offer ends Sept. 11, 2014. While supplies last. New activation on qualifying smartphone plan required. Sales tax not included. Not available in CT, RI, or Miami-Dade County. No rainchecks. Promotion Card, issued by MetaBank®, member FDIC, or CenterState Bank of Florida, NA pursuant to license from Visa U.S.A. Inc., is not redeemable for cash and may not be used for cash withdrawal at any cash-dispensing locations or automated gasoline pumps. Card is non-transferable and non-refundable. Funds are available at US locations where Visa debit cards are accepted for 150 days after the Card issuance, through the “VALUD THRU” shown on the Card. Service must be active and customer must make second service payment within 45 days of activation to receive card. Offer may not be available with other rebates, offers or promotions. Restrictions and other charges may apply. For cardholder agreement and complete terms and conditions, please visit

**Auto Pay: $5 savings provided as an account credit at the end of each billing cycle while enrolled in Auto Pay.  Auto Pay credit requires Auto Pay enrollment with a new Basic, Smart or Pro plan. Terms, conditions and restriction apply.

***Cricket Rewards: Loyalty Program: Cricket Customers on Smart and Pro plans earn one (1) Reward Credit for each full, on-time payment. Reward Credits are only redeemable for a phone upgrade once customer has earned a Device Credit(s). Customers earn a $50 Device Credit for every twelve (12) Reward Credits earned. Reward Credits expire, if unused, sixty (60) months after Device Credit becomes redeemable. Reward Credits earned at the account level. Device Credits are capped at $150 without redemption and are not-transferrable and have no cash value. Restrictions Apply. 

For media inquiries, contact:
Nneoma Njoku, Cricket Wireless
For device images and other press materials visit new Cricket newsroom

Closing Bell Opens Doors for A New Generation of Financial Planners

Landor Print Default

* TD Ameritrade Institutional’s 2014 Student Scholars and Grant Winners Head to Wall Street to Raise Awareness of Career Opportunities in Financial Planning

JERSEY CITY, N.J., July 23, 2014 — The job outlook for financial planners is bright, but Millennials have yet to see the light. In fact, fewer than 700 students completed bachelor’s degrees in financial planning last year, not nearly enough to address a growing demand for financial advice.1

The job growth rate for financial advisors is expected to be 32 percent by 2020, more than double the rate for all other occupations.2 Several factors are fueling the growth in financial planning careers. More than 75 million baby boomers are on the verge of retirement and their need for professional financial advice is expected to rise. Many of those boomers are financial advisors themselves and will retire at a faster pace than younger advisors will enter the business.3 Finally, younger investors in their prime earning years are building and inheriting trillions in wealth, creating job opportunities for future financial planners.4

To avert a talent shortage in the not-so-distant future, the industry must find a way to encourage more students to pursue financial planning careers and help more schools develop programs that can educate future advisors. With those goals in mind, TD Ameritrade Institutional will provide $1.25 million over 10 years through its NextGen Scholarship and Grant Program, now in its second year.5

“TD Ameritrade Institutional is committed to attracting talented students to the profession and supporting schools that offer innovative financial planning curriculum. With efforts like the NextGen Scholarship and Grant program, we can help fill the pipeline with individuals willing to lead our industry and continue the important work of caring for investors and their families,” said Tom Nally, president, TD Ameritrade Institutional. “Addressing the looming talent shortage head-on, we can help financial advisory firms remain ready to serve the next generation of investors.”

Saved by the Closing Bell

Ten deserving students received $5,000 to help them pursue a bachelor’s degree in financial planning. To celebrate their achievement and put a face on the future of financial planning, this year’s Next Gen Scholarship and Grant winners were invited to New York City as guests of TD Ameritrade Institutional for a visit to Wall Street. The group walked the famed trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange and rang the closing bell to help raise awareness of the career opportunities in financial planning.

Mariah Bausch
Kansas State University

Peter Blehl
William Paterson University

Kwame Boakye
University of Akron

Anne Marie Ihling
Virginia Polytechnic Institute

Timi Jorgensen
Utah Valley University

Lauren Loucks
Utah Valley University

Patrick Portman
Western Kentucky University

Tyler Quatraro
University of Oregon

Trent Strang
Olivet College

Catherine Traylor
Louisiana State University

A Rewarding Career

TD Ameritrade Institutional’s scholarship winners come from varied backgrounds and hail from all over the United States, yet they all emphasized a desire to use their skills to help their neighbors and families live better lives. Several of the scholarship winners said they had witnessed firsthand the consequences of poor financial planning.

Not only is financial planning a fast growing career, it can be both personally and financially rewarding for new entrants. The median total compensation for a Support Advisor, someone who prepares financial documents, participates in client meetings and completes follow-up work, was $58,000 last year, according to FA Insight. The median Associate Advisor, the next step up the ladder and more actively engaged in client relationships, earned $83,000 a year. 6

“For students who may be worried about their job prospects, we encourage them to consider a career in financial planning,” said Richard S. Brown, chief executive of JNBA Financial Advisors and a member of TD Ameritrade Institutional Next Generation Advisory Board. “Serving as a financial planner offers terrific opportunities in a fast-growing business but also the chance to truly help others live better lives.”

Expanding the Talent Pipeline Through Education

Across the country, fewer than 90 schools offer financial planning degrees.7 TD Ameritrade Institutional wants to change that by supporting established and emerging financial planning education programs through its NextGen Grant Program. TD Ameritrade Institutional’s 2014 grants went to two schools – University of Georgia and Texas A&M University – to help support the development of innovative programs that not only increase the ranks of talented scholars entering the industry, but also to help ensure graduates are better prepared to succeed in the workplace.

University of Georgia, which received a $50,000 established-program grant, will use its money to build a “Financial Communication & Training Lab,” where students can strengthen their networking, communication, marketing and other workplace skills so that they are more likely to be successful. The award will endow a revolving “practitioner-in-residence,” selected from local financial professionals who will mentor students.

Texas A&M received a first ever $25,000 award designed to help schools with emerging programs. The school intends to launch of a bachelor’s degree in financial planning program, expanding on an Extended Learning program in financial planning it offers to graduate students and career-changers. Grant money also will be used to develop recruiting materials to attract students, with an added focus on women and minorities.

For information about the TD Ameritrade Institutional NextGen Scholarships and Grant Program, please visit

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About TD Ameritrade Institutional
TD Ameritrade Institutional is a leading provider of comprehensive brokerage and custody services to over 4,500 fee-based, independent registered investment advisors and their clients. Our advanced technology platform, coupled with personal support from our dedicated service teams, allows investment advisors to run their practices more efficiently and effectively while optimizing time with clients. TD Ameritrade Institutional is a division of TD Ameritrade, Inc., a brokerage subsidiary of TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation.

About TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation
Millions of investors and independent registered investment advisors turn to TD Ameritrade’s (NYSE: AMTD) technology, people and education to make investing and trading easier to understand and do. Online or over the phone, in a branch or with an independent RIA, first-timer or sophisticated trader, our clients want to take control and we help them decide how: We’ve been bringing Wall Street to Main Street for more than 39 years. An official sponsor of the 2016 U.S. Olympic Team, TD Ameritrade has time and again been recognized as a leader in investment services. Please visit TD Ameritrade’s newsroom or for more information.

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1 National IPEDS database, U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, 2013 Financial Planning and Services Program completions.
2 Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, 2014-15 Occupational Outlook Handbook,
3 Cerulli Associates, the Cerulli Report, Advisor Metrics 2013: Understanding and Addressing a More Sophisticated Population
4 Advent Software, Three Ways to Reach the Next Generation of Investors, November 2013. Millions of Americans 49 years and younger are expected to amass $28 trillion in assets by 2020, up from $2 trillion, through inheritance and their own wealth-creation.
5 TD Ameritrade Institutional is a division of TD Ameritrade, Inc., a brokerage subsidiary of TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation.
6 FA Insight, The 2013 FA Insight Study of Advisory Firms: People and Pay
7 National IPEDS database, U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, 2013 Financial Planning and Services Programs.

Source: TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation

Media Contact
Joseph Giannone
TD Ameritrade
(201) 369-8705