Author Archives: uwirepr

College Sports Face Permanent Elimination after COVID-19 Budget Cuts

Athletes, alumni and fans are rallying communities on GoFundMe to help college athletics stay afloat

Redwood City, California | July 23, 2020 — As the economic effects of the coronavirus continue to devastate communities, some college sports are facing permanent elimination while athletic departments grapple with budget cuts. Athletes and alumni are scrambling to save their programs and are turning to GoFundMe to generate support for university and college sports during coronavirus.

College sports ranging from the University of Alabama hockey to Winthrop University tennis to Furman University baseball to South Carolina State soccer are in danger of elimination, with some fighting back to be reinstated. The loss of college sports will leave many students unable to afford college, as athletic scholarships provide financial assistance that allows them to attend school. The programs also provide jobs to coaches, students and university faculty.

In response, many programs are rallying their communities and raising funds on GoFundMe to help their programs weather the economic turmoil. In May, University of Alabama in Huntsville Hockey nearly lost their program due to the school’s athletic budget cuts. They were given a chance to save their program and had only a few days to find the $1 million needed. Their GoFundMe campaign raised over $500,000 in donations in just four days, and paired with private donations, the team is now preparing for their next season.

Many other programs are hoping for this same outcome. Sports have a way of uniting communities but their future remains hanging in the balance. For more information about programs looking for support, and how alumni and communities can help college sports programs stay afloat, please visit:

About GoFundMe
Started in 2010, GoFundMe is the world’s largest free social fundraising platform. The GoFundMe community has raised over $9 billion from more than 120 million donations for people, causes, and organizations. GoFundMe is changing the way the world gives. Find us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.


Media Contact
Madeline Purdue

Student Spending on College Course Materials Continues Multi-Year Decline

Independent Research from Student Watch and Student Monitor Unveiled in New Reports, Video

June 25, 2020 (Washington, D.C.) – Average student spending on college textbooks and digital course materials has steadily declined in recent years, according to new data unveiled today from Student Watch, which is funded by the National Association of College Stores Foundation, and Student Monitor, an independent research firm.

In its new annual report, Student Watch reports a decline in student spending on course materials of 35 percent over the past six years, while Student Monitor’s semi-annual report similarly indicates a 39 percent decline over the same time period.

“Students are actually spending less on college course materials than we have seen them spend before,” commented Brittany Conley, Research Analyst, On Campus Research for the National Association of College Stores (NACS). “We saw that students spent about $413 across the academic year on course materials. Ten years ago, that number was closer to $700.”

“Students’ out of pocket spending for learning materials and textbooks continues to decline year after year after year,” commented Eric Weil, Managing Partner, Student Monitor LLC.

The new data on the multi-year decline in student spending is highlighted in a video interview with representatives from the two research organizations, which can be seen here.

AAP Video: Student Spending on College Course Materials Continues Multi-Year Decline from Cara Duckworth on Vimeo.

Student Monitor Report

Student Monitor’s LIFESTYLE & MEDIA report found that student spending on course materials went from an average of $691 for the 2014-2015 academic year to $422 for the 2019-2020 school year, a decline of 39 percent over a six-year period. The 2019-2020 figure represents a 14 percent decline as compared to the average student spend of $492 during the 2018-2019 academic year.

Student Watch Survey

The most recent Student Watch survey indicated that course material spending dropped from $638 for the 2014-2015 academic year to $413 for the 2019-2020 academic year, a decline of 35 percent over the last six years. The latest figure represents a 0.5 percent decline as compared to the average student spend of $415 during the 2018-2019 academic year.


The 2020 Student Watch survey involved more than 14,000 students across 35 institutions.

The Student Monitor findings are the result of hour-long, one-on-one, on campus intercept interviews conducted among 1,202 four-year, full time undergraduates attending 93 representative colleges and universities.

“Numbers are going to differ in studies like these just based on general methodology,” Student Watch’s Conley said.  “What you really want to look at are things like overall trends in where the data’s going, what it looks like. And in the case of Student Watch and Student Monitor, we’re seeing the overall trends be consistent. Both of us are reporting a decline in course material spending, which is what you really want to look at when you’re comparing the two and seeing if they’re telling the same story.”


Education publishers understand that students struggle with the overall cost of college and have for years worked to lower the cost of the high-quality course materials they produce while creating increasingly innovative options to access. There is no such thing as a ‘one size fits all’ solution for college course materials that cover a vast diversity of subject areas, but some publishers have addressed affordability by launching online learning solutions such as Inclusive Access, which provide students with discounted materials on the first day of class. Other options, including subscription models, provide unlimited access to a range of textbooks, online homework access codes and study guides all for one price.

“Students have at least 10 different options or combination of options when it comes to deciding what textbooks or course materials they are going to acquire,” said Student Monitor’s Weil. “They can purchase a new printed textbook, a used printed textbook. They can rent a textbook instead of purchasing a printed textbook. They can acquire an e-Textbook for either limited or unlimited use. They can take advantage of one of these new subscription programs providing unlimited access to print and digital for either a single term or the entire academic year for a flat subscription price. From a student’s perspective, nothing could be more convenient than a subscription model that provides you everything that you need at a discounted price.”

“Inclusive Access is a new concept, a new system,” Weil continued.  “It offers a lot of promise, a lot of benefits to all concerned. From a student’s perspective, what happens is that the student receives all of their digital materials. They’re billed for those materials either through whatever financial aid they may be receiving or through their student account and the access to those materials are actually provided before the first day of class. This is really convenient, really adds to the value of the course from an instructors’ perspective. It’s just an exciting new approach that is more convenient for the student, saves money for the student, increases the value of their tuition dollar. It just makes perfect sense.”

Conley added, “We’re really just seeing a large number of things being offered in the course material space. They’re all playing a part in lowering that overall cost that students end up having to pay. If we’re talking about what’s prevalent among all course material options, rentals is something that we see more prevalent. This year, around 40 percent of students had rented at least one course material over the semester or academic term.”

Students continue to embrace a wide range of options for acquiring their course materials: according to the Student Monitor report, the $422 in average student spending during the 2019-2020 school year included  $174 for new, printed textbooks; $95 for used, printed textbooks; $67 for rented, printed textbooks; $39 for eTextbooks for unlimited use; and $24 for eTextbooks for limited time use.

Student Watch reports that during the 2019-2020 school year, students embraced a wide range of options, mixing print, digital, rental and purchase. 48 percent preferred some type of print book, while 21 percent of students preferred digital-only content. During the year, 80 percent of students purchased course materials during the year, and 44 percent rented course materials.

# # #

AAP Contacts:

John McKay /

Cara Duckworth /

Mind The Gap Launches Solution to Gap Year with LIFE READY Program as Students Defer College Due to Impact of COVID-19

New York, New York – June 2020 – Mind The Gap, a team of educators, parents, students and researchers who believe education has a purpose, one that helps others find success in the real world — not just in school — has officially launched the Mind The Gap LIFE READY Program. At a time of uncertainty due to the impact of COVID-19, high school graduates and those who have already matriculated at colleges across the country are working to make sound decisions on how to best approach the upcoming start of the 2020 college calendar year, with many deferring college admission. And, currently, the higher education system presents challenges to youths who graduate into the workforce burdened by student debt, lacking workplace and life skills, and reporting high levels of mental health concerns. The LIFE READY Program is a 15-week semester, empowering an online learning community that was developed to provide a journey of self-discovery and fill gaps in traditional higher education by giving its participants skills to find success through dedicated experts and resources.

“This pandemic has created a great deal of uncertainty for students who are clearly not going to be met with the full on-campus life experience; but yet, would still be paying the full price,” says Abby Brody, Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Mind The Gap. “We created the LIFE READY Program to approach the concept of a Gap year in a novel way, and not as a traditional year “off,” but instead a step into the future, providing students with the skills that are not taught in school but are necessary for success in the real world. At the same time, LIFE READY will also allot time and provide tools for our ‘Fellows’ to dive into their personal development and life goals. As obvious as it seems today, this has never been done.”

Research shows students who take a Gap year are 60% more likely to take their academics more seriously and know what they want to study and thus they stick to their majors while reporting a higher sense of self-awareness and feel “more mature” than their peers. Remarkably, 75% note that their Gap year played a substantial role in their first job placement. “The Gap year market in the United States up until now has mostly served the wealthy who capitalize on this clear advantage. We are changing that. The research is clear, all students would benefit from this time.” says Abby.

The LIFE READY Program has been developed for those who have graduated high school in the last five years, and are looking to enrich their lives by investing in themselves. Our Fellows will be assigned a certified life coach through its MTG COACH program to receive personalized direction for their future path, and through the MTG LIFE HACKS curriculum they will learn a multitude of life skills currently not taught in school, such as digital organization and security, personal finance and the analysis of basic contracts. In addition, all Fellows will have the unique opportunity for career exploration through the MTG NEXT curriculum. LIFE READY graduates are confident, equipped, and ready to make their next move in the world — and they trust themselves.

The initial LIFE READY Program semester will begin on September 8, 2020 and run through December 18th, 2020. To start, the LIFE READY Program will accept 30 groups referred to as “Tribes,” each Tribe comprised of approximately 10 Fellows, designed to provide small-group and personalized development. The application process will officially open on Monday, June 8, 2020, and applicants can visit for further details on requirements and costs.

MTG’s LIFE READY Program will fill the void with an enriching semester that won’t break the bank and will ultimately help students feel more prepared to take on the real world,” adds Abby.

For more information on the LIFE READY Program and MTG’s efforts to help today’s students as they make future education decisions, visit

About Mind The Gap

Mind The Gap is a dedicated group of educators, parents, students, and researchers who believe education has a purpose, one that helps others find success in the real world — not just in school. Currently, the higher education system is underserving the country’s youth who are graduating into the workforce burdened by student debt, lacking workplace skills, and reporting higher levels of mental health concerns. Informed by the data sciences, the Mind The Gap team believes deeply in the “Gap” space. The research is clear. A “Gap” is an advantage and well-kept secret. Students who “Gap” prior to or during their higher education have a series of benefits that will serve as real-world differentiators. For more information on Mind The Gap, please visit

Cori Rice
Hill + Knowlton Strategies

Phi Kappa Phi Names Texas State University as 2020 Excellence in Innovation Recipient

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi—the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines—today announced Texas State University as the 2020 recipient of its Excellence in Innovation Award. The $100,000 award, given biennially, recognizes Texas State for achievement in helping increase the interest of STEM careers for students in K-12 through their NASA Future Aerospace Engineers and Mathematicians Academy.

“Phi Kappa Phi is proud to recognize Texas State University for its highly innovative project in STEM education and bilingual community outreach,” said Society Executive Director Dr. Mary Todd. “The jury was impressed with the comprehensive nature of FAMA and its mission to underserved students, a fine example of the creative and groundbreaking programming our Excellence in Innovation Award was designed to honor and uplift.”

Established in 2013, FAMA is a hallmark program of the LBJ Institute for STEM Education and Research at Texas State University. The program provides integrated year-round STEM programming to economically disadvantaged and historically underrepresented student populations by engaging them in relevant STEM experiences with a focus on NASA contexts.

Since its launch the FAMA project has expanded to included four main programs: STEM Saturday and Summer Camps, the NASA Backpack Program, Technology-Rich Environments and Experiences, and Bilingual Family Community Outreach. Through these programs FAMA has served and enriched STEM experiences for more than 5,600 students.

Texas State, on behalf of its efforts through FAMA, was selected as the 2020 recipient of the Excellence in Innovation Award by a jury of emeritus university presidents during a two-part screening process. The university was first chosen as one of six semifinalists before advancing as one of three finalists. The pool of entries represented inventive, multifaceted projects at institutions across the United States. Each institution was assessed on its project’s ability to achieve meaningful, measurable outcomes to create systemic large-scale change.

“As a proud member of Phi Kappa Phi, it is a great honor to be chosen as the winner of the Excellence in Innovation Award,” said university President Denise Trauth. “We deeply value our NASA Future Aerospace Engineers and Mathematicians Academy as it advances STEM education and research. It is a great tribute to our hard-working faculty and staff that the Academy has gained this recognition.”

Since 1932, Phi Kappa Phi has awarded fellowships and grants to members and students on its chapter campuses. Nearly $1 million is awarded each year through programs that last year recognized over 350 individuals. The Excellence in Innovation Award, first awarded in 2016, is the Society’s only award for institutions.

The call for submissions for the 2022 Excellence in Innovation Award will open in the fall of 2021. For more details and to view the finalist portfolios, visit

About Phi Kappa Phi
Founded in 1897, Phi Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Phi Kappa Phi inducts approximately 30,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni annually. The Society has chapters on more than 300 select colleges and universities in the United States and the Philippines. Membership is by invitation only to the top 10 percent of seniors and graduate students and 7.5 percent of juniors. Faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction also qualify. The Society’s mission is “To recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and engage the community of scholars in service to others.” For more information, visit


Media Contact
Alyssa Perez
Communications Director
(225) 923-7777

Stories and Songs Matter More Than Ever Right Now

For much of the time before modern human history, the center of people’s light and life was the humble campfire.  It was a place to teach, share, connect, and give thanks.  It was the hub of culture, where our ancestors gathered nightly to fight back the dark with their myths, stories, and the joy of their voices raised in song.

Stories and songs.  These basic units of shared culture remain with us, even as our source of flickering light has changed.

In 2009, The Onion famously lampooned that we spent 90% of our waking hours staring at glowing rectangles.  They weren’t wrong, but those “gleaming quadrangles”, as they described, weren’t ever merely about the light they generated, rather, they’ve always been about connections and the meaning they carried.

In times like these, when so many of us can feel like little islands, connecting with other people to share stories and songs takes on a special significance.

So it’s not surprising that many social networks and streaming services are reporting global spikes in member activity.

For example, on the “stories” side, nearly 16 million new people joined Netflix during the first part of the year, which was twice as many as they’d expected.  Other streaming services have seen rises as well, including Disney+.  And underscoring the many benefits of engaging in these libraries of ‘once-upon-a-times’, watching streaming video has quickly become the #1 leisure activity for people at home.

On the “songs” side, social singing network Smule has also seen a significant rise in new users joining in from all over the world since people began staying home. Smule is a global online community of music lovers where millions of people from all over come together each day to sing along with millions of popular songs, often with other people – and sometimes with the stars themselves- plus make new friends, cheer each other on, and simply have fun. Regardless of skill level, the thing all Smule members have in common is a love for singing, and a love for connecting with other people through the shared experience of performing songs together.

Playing with the Smule app lies somewhere between SnapChat and YouTube, mashed up with an automated sound and video recording and effects studio.  People can sing or record songs on video with new friends, karaoke by themselves, or acapella with others.  Members of Smule communities include people from all walks of life, including real-life superstars, such as Lewis Capaldi, who upload recorded versions of their top hits for other members to sing along with and repost to the network and other social media platforms. Fans can even sing along with Disney characters like Moana to the hits from popular Disney films.

Thousands of independent singing communities and teams have sprung up around the world, using Smule as the platform to showcase their singalongs.

One such community, Apex Team, is a group of 46 young, talented and dynamic voices from all parts of the world who came together as a virtual choir that inspires online audiences with their enjoyable musical performances. Apex produces more than a hundred group collaborations a year, and most recently, a phenomenal performance of Fight Song, by Rachel Platten and Dave Bassett – edited into a “Thank You” to front line professionals in the fight against COVID-19.

Back to the historical notion of giving thanks.

So, what are the lessons in all this?  What’s the advice from our modern storytellers and singers?  And what was the message from our ancestors?  Is it that we’re not so different from them, or each other, after all?  That we’re still people?  Still communities?  Or is it that we might want to sing a little more?  That we need to reach out to those around us – even if the definition of “around” might now include the other side of the world?  Or that it’s important to let others know how important they are to us?  The answers are probably as varied as people, and the communities they create.

Over untold millennia, some things have changed.  For the average person, it used to be that there was only one light they could gather around; now, there are billions.  And they’re made of us.

Meanwhile, other things remain the same.  Shared light is better together, stories and songs still matter, and the darkness and silence never last.

### members can sing with some of their favorite Disney characters.

Apex Team released a version of Fight Song honoring first responders on

Phi Kappa Phi Announces Finalists for Excellence in Innovation Award

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi—the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines—today announced the three finalists for its 2020 Excellence in Innovation Award. The $100,000 award, given once per biennium, recognizes one institution of higher learning for achievement in finding powerful answers to important local, regional, national or global challenges.

The finalists, selected by a jury of emeritus presidents and provosts, were chosen from a pool of six semifinalists representing multifaceted projects at institutions across the nation. Each institution was assessed on the project’s ability to achieve meaningful, measurable outcomes to create systemic large-scale change.

The three institutions chosen as finalists are:

• Nazareth College
• Texas State University
• Widener University

“The projects presented by the semifinalists in the Phi Kappa Phi Excellence in Innovation Award posed a challenge to the jury, as each represents a fine example of the innovation for which higher education is known. We are so pleased to recognize all six of these fine institutions and celebrate their excellence,” said Society Executive Director Dr. Mary Todd.

The 2020 recipient will be announced Tuesday, May 26, and will receive $100,000 in tangible recognition of its best practice in response to the changes and challenges facing higher education in the 21st century.

The three semifinalist institutions receiving honorable mention are Moravian College, the University of Houston-Downtown, and the University of Memphis.

The Phi Kappa Phi Excellence in Innovation award is part of the Society’s robust awards program, which gives nearly $1 million each year to outstanding members and students on chapter campuses through study abroad grants, dissertation fellowships, funding for post-baccalaureate development, member and chapter awards, and grants for local, national and international literacy initiatives. The Excellence in Innovation Award, first awarded in 2016 to Tulane University, is the Society’s only award for institutions.

For more information about the award, visit

About Phi Kappa Phi
Founded in 1897, Phi Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Phi Kappa Phi inducts approximately 30,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni annually. The Society has chapters on more than 300 select colleges and universities in the United States and the Philippines. Membership is by invitation only to the top 10 percent of seniors and graduate students and 7.5 percent of juniors. Faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction also qualify. The Society’s mission is “To recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and engage the community of scholars in service to others.” For more information, visit


Media Contact
Alyssa Perez
Communications Director
(225) 923-7777

Texas State Records offers a COVID19 page using local government stats brings reports of government-generated statistics and important news relating to the COVID-19 virus that was first discovered in China in late 2019, instead of using statistics generated by the World Health Organization or from privately-funded universities as is done by other news outlets.

As COVID-19 cases in America have seen a steep rise, seeking out information from privately funded bodies and academic institutions has become highly risky. This is because the stats that these bodies put together are potentially inconsistent and tinged with political bias, resulting in a rise in anxiety among the people. The StateRecords site, therefore, chooses to use only local government records which they are sure are unbiased and accurate.

“There is a lot of uncertainty in the reporting happening for the coronavirus, and it can be difficult to know who to trust,” said a spokesperson from “We’re getting our number directly from public records from the organizations responsible for keeping their citizens safe, and their economy operational. We’re not interested in political bias or personal agendas, like a lot of other organizations seem to be. For us, the truth is in the numbers, and our numbers are from the people who know what they actually are.

The COVID-19 data page of the website was launched at the end of March and is regularly updated using figures retrieved solely from local governments within the state of says its goal is to offer easily accessible public records about the coronavirus that are not subject to bias or political leanings. is a Texas-dedicated site that provides public information on the records of criminals, court results, and important statistics. They offer guidance on how to find such information, how to access them, and what methods to avoid.

Media Contact
Lauren Wilson
Texas State Records
(512) 872-5833

James Beard Foundation Now Accepting Scholarship Applications for 2020-2021 Academic Year

Annual scholarship program is open to students pursuing a culinary, food systems, or sustainability-focused education

New York, NY (May 1, 2020) – Now more than ever, we are reminded of the essential role that the food and beverage industry plays in our everyday lives and the value of shared experiences around a table. In keeping with its mission to nurture chefs and other leaders contributing to American food culture, the James Beard Foundation announced today its 2020-2021 Scholarship Program application period for aspiring and established culinary professionals.

As of 2019, the Foundation had awarded nearly $8 million in financial aid to over 2,000 recipients and will award nearly $650,000 in 2020.

While eligibility requirements vary by opportunity, in general, applicants must be enrolled or planning to enroll in a culinary program at a licensed or accredited culinary school, hospitality institution, college, or university in fall 2020. International students may qualify for many of the scholarships and are encouraged to apply.

“Since the inception of our scholarship program in 1991, the range of food-related disciplines and educational opportunities has expanded greatly,” said Clare Reichenbach, chief executive officer of the James Beard Foundation. “With a number of scholarships, tuition waivers, and grants available this year, we are proud to support the ever-increasing interests of the next generation of culinary leaders.”

In response to the impact the COVID-19 pandemic, the Foundation also recently established the Food and Beverage Industry Relief Fund to provide critical financial assistance in the form of micro-grants to independent food and beverage businesses in need.

The scholarship program is administered by International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. (ISTS), an independent company that specializes in managing sponsored educational assistance programs. ISTS hosts the online application process, selects recipients and disburses awards. For more information about the program and to begin the application process, visit The deadline to apply is June 11, 2020.


About The James Beard Foundation
The James Beard Foundation promotes good food for good™. For more than 30 years, the James Beard Foundation has highlighted the centrality of food culture in our daily lives. Through the James Beard Awardsunique dining experiences at the James Beard House and around the country, scholarships, hands-on learning, and a variety of industry programs that educate and empower leaders in our community, the Foundation has built a platform for chefs and asserted the power of gastronomy to drive behavior, culture, and policy change around food. To that end, the Foundation has also created signature impact-oriented initiatives that include our Women’s Leadership Programs aimed at addressing the gender imbalance in the culinary industry; advocacy training through our Chefs Boot Camp for Policy and Change; and the James Beard Foundation Leadership Awards that shine a spotlight on successful change makers. The organization is committed to giving chefs and their colleagues a voice and the tools they need to make the world more sustainable, equitable, and delicious for everyone. For more information, subscribe to the digital newsletter Beard Bites and follow @beardfoundation on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

The James Beard Foundation is a national not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization based in New York City.

To reach the James Beard Foundation for press inquiries, please contact:

Mary Blanton Ogushwitz
212 957 3005


Partnership Inspires Entrepreneurship and Aims
to Make Financial Competence Fun, Engaging
and Accessible for Everyone

Los Angeles – April 30, 2020 – The Singleton Foundation for Financial Literacy & Entrepreneurship announces today a partnership with Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization (CEO) to promote the entrepreneurial spirit on college campuses around the world. The strategic partnership helps advance the missions of both organizations as they approach entrepreneurship and financial literacy in unique ways.

The Singleton Foundation uses the power of entertainment in its Million Stories Media and Venture Valley Game projects to make financial competence fun and engaging for everyone while promoting entrepreneurship and inspiring individual achievement.

Million Stories is a new, free digital lifestyle and entertainment channel that offers a wide variety of bite-sized original programming with a focus on career, money, and inspiring stories of entrepreneurs from all walks of life.

Venture Valley is a free exciting multiplayer game that allows users to start their own business and then to grow it into a virtual empire, with the opportunity to win real-world prizes. As users compete against each other for in-game rankings and online competitions, they benefit by gaining business and financial skills that will help them in their own lives.

The global network of Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization represents 250 universities and college chapters domestically as well as chapters located in the United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Spain, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Mexico and India. These chapters represent 16,000 collegiate entrepreneurs each possessing an irrepressible spirit of the entrepreneurial mindset.  The mission of CEO is to inform, support and inspire college students to be more entrepreneurial via new venture creation.

The Singleton Foundation is sponsoring the CEO’s newly designed Resource Portal, ensuring that students and campuses will have the resources they need. In addition, the foundation offers financial learning resources that are available to help them manage their businesses and financial futures with confidence. The portal is available at

Through the partnership, CEO members will have the opportunity to act as Singleton Ambassadors and will amplify the original content created by the foundation. By engaging students in the Million Stories video content, ambassadors will inspire others to develop entrepreneurial ambitions and become comfortable discussing financial responsibilities. CEO students will also help test the Venture Valley game and play in online multiplayer competitions throughout the summer. It will launch on mobile devices and computers later in 2020. An Esports tournament is planned to take place at the CEO Global Conference.  Once released, the game will become part of the ongoing activities provided to CEO chapters.

“Encouraging entrepreneurship is a crucial part of the Singleton Foundation’s mission,” said Singleton’s CEO Shelley Miles. “We’re proud to be working with The Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization. We fully embrace their mission and look forward to helping their students acquire the skills necessary to reach their goals and become the CEO’s of their lives.”

Million Stories Media can be found at www.millionstories.comDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, additional content with up to the minute information and resources can be found at

To find out more about the game or sign-up for updates, please visit

Join the conversation…

About the Singleton Foundation
The mission of the Singleton Foundation is to make financial competence fun and engaging for everyone by using the power of entertainment to capture attention, create change, promote entrepreneurship, and to inspire individual achievement. The Singleton Foundation for Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship is a 501(c)(3).

For more information about the Singleton Foundation, please visit:

About The Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization
Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization, a 501 (c) (3) not for profit charitable corporation, founded in 1983, supports more than 16,500 emerging collegiate entrepreneurs annually. CEO believes that any student regardless of academic discipline can launch a business. Through our global network of more than 250 college and university chapters, we support and inspire the growth and development of any student that seeks to be entrepreneurial.

The Singleton Foundation – Public Relations
Jeff Hare – (818) 726-9238

Collegiate Entrepreneurs’ Organization
James Zebrowski – (813) 258 – 7236

Red Roof® Launches Student Support Program, Offering Discounts to Help College Students Across the Nation Find Alternative Housing

Columbus, Ohio – March 25, 2020 – Red Roof®, the leader in upscale economy lodging, understands the difficulty of this uncertain time, especially for university and continuing education students who were suddenly displaced as a result of campuses closing due to CDC protocols in response to COVID-19.  Mandated closings of schools across the country have left many with nowhere to go, as student housing and meal plans are suspended. Many students are in limbo and not able to return home due to travel restrictions and personal and professional obligations. With many hotels close to college campuses, Red Roof has launched the Student Support Program to help students who can’t get home find stability and an immediate place to stay.  The Support Program provides students with a 30% discount, per room, for stays at participating locations across the country including Red Roof Inn® and Red Roof PLUS+® properties. Students looking for longer term accommodation, seven days or more, will receive a $25 Amazon gift card to help purchase essential items.

“We know there is a real need for students who are scrambling to find a place to stay and may be far away from their hometown and family with nowhere to go,” says Marina MacDonald, CMO at Red Roof.  “Red Roof has many locations near colleges and universities, and we have created the Student Support Program to provide secure and safe accommodations to give students some stability and peace of mind.”

Students must show valid college identification to receive the 30% discount and weekly stay incentive.  Rooms include Fast. Free. Verified.* WiFi that will allow students to be connected and engaged with virtual learning and e-classes during their stays. Pets can travel with students and always stay free. Students looking for accommodations close to campuses can book through May 15 and can stay through May 31, 2020 using VP code 627535.

Students are encouraged to book direct online here, by calling 800.RED.ROOF or by calling or booking at a specific participating property. Third Party Bookings are not eligible. This offer may not be combined with other discounts or offers. Subject to availability. Not available at Hometowne Studios by Red Roof.

For more details on the Student Support Program and to access a full list of participating properties**, please click here.

*Verified Wi-Fi at participating locations.

**Participating properties will offer the student discount and operate in line with local and national government policies and guidelines.

About Red Roof®
Red Roof is an award-winning leader in the lodging industry with franchises, corporate managed and corporate owned properties, recognized for creating the innovative Upscale Economy® segment serving millions of guests each year. Known for obsessively listening to consumers, Red Roof offers travelers a consistently high-quality experience at an affordable price. With coast-to-coast locations, Red Roof has over 650 properties in the U.S. and has expanded internationally to Brazil, Canada and Japan. Whether business or leisure, short trips or extended stays, in the hearts of cities or on the road, Red Roof has a property for every traveler, delivering an enhanced experience at a value price. Red Roof is pet-friendly, as one well-behaved pet is welcome per room, nationwide, at no additional cost*. Ranging from economy to upper midscale, Red Roof’s portfolio of brands includes: Red Roof Inn® and Red Roof PLUS+®, allowing guests to Sleep Easy. Spend Less®. with enhanced amenities at a value price; The Red Collection®, a hyper-local soft brand in the Hearts of Cities You Love™; and Home Towne Studios by Red Roof®, offering guests A Brand New Way to Extended Stay™. Red Roof offers franchisees Genuine Relationships. Real Results. ® – a unique owner-operator experience establishing common ground with franchisees. To join Red Roof’s industry-leading loyalty program, RediRewards™, or for reservations, visit or call 800.RED.ROOF.

Media Contact:
Andrea Thompson
Hill + Knowlton Strategies