The Transition to College Can Impact Mental Health

This article is the second in a three-part series sponsored by Alkermes, focused on supporting young adult students and their community as they navigate the transition to college. Mental health is a key part of that transition, and support is available.

Watch for part 3 of this series coming later this semester and refer back to part 1 for the complete series!

Transitioning to college isn’t always easy and can be full of challenges that may be overwhelming for students and their loved ones. With so many changes, newfound freedom and unexpected pressure, this season can have a profound impact on a student’s mental health and wellness.1 According to the World Health Organization’s World Mental Health International College Student Initiative—a study that surveyed students from 19 colleges in eight countries—approximately 35% of college freshmen report symptoms consistent with a diagnosable mental health disorder. 2

These symptoms could present while away at school or during school breaks. New schedules and routines have been developed, new mindsets and ideas explored. Family members might feel like they don’t even recognize each other in the ways they did before the semester began. That’s ok, but it can bring up a variety of emotions and challenges to navigate. At a time when things can feel unsteady, it’s important to keep an eye on mental health and wellness.1

There are many symptoms to look for that could indicate emerging mental health challenges. These may include feelings of sadness or fear, bouts of depression, loss of appetite, sudden risk-tasking behavior, seeing or believing things that may not be real, excessive substance use, mood swings, impulsive behavior, difficulty concentrating or a drop in academic performance.3,4 Though many of these behaviors can be a normal part of a young person’s development into adulthood, a combination of unexpected or unusual behaviors could be warning signs of a more serious mental health issue or illness, such as schizophrenia.5

If one or several of these symptoms is present, it’s important to take note and seek support as early as possible. Here are some things to keep in mind:

• Take stock of what’s happening. Track the most concerning behaviors (those listed above or others). This will help when seeking additional resources or support from a healthcare professional (a primary care physician, psychiatrist, etc.) in the future. To assist in tracking what you’re feeling, consider accessing local resources or taking an online screening tool to better understand your symptoms.1,6

• Keep talking. Ask questions and set aside time to talk about how everyone is feeling – student, parents, siblings, friends and more. Consider asking other loved ones if they’ve noticed any concerning behavioral changes.6,7

• Speak to a healthcare professional. Set up an appointment during school breaks and make sure that you discuss mental health, the college transition and any behavioral changes you might notice. 6

• Act as quickly as you can. When dealing with a young adult’s mental health, timing matters. In fact, some studies point to early identification and intervention as being critical to disease management and improved outcomes.1,3 Early detection, accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment can assist in illness management and long-term outcomes for individuals living with a serious mental illness.8,9

The transition to college will likely be filled with challenges as students navigate stressful academic and social environments – these are expected. But if you begin noticing behaviors that are concerning, it’s never too soon to seek help.

If you are noticing differences in behavior and are concerned, consider reaching out to a trusted healthcare professional in your area or take advantage of mental health resources, such as  screeners, treatment locators and other educational resources, from organizations like Mental Health America (MHA), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) or the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

In the final piece of our 3-part series, we’ll discuss the importance of early intervention and support when a mental health diagnosis has been received. If you missed part 1, CLICK HERE for more information on some challenges associated with transitioning to college and how that transition may impact a student’s mental health.

This is intended as informational only and not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 


1 Pedrelli P, Nyer M, Yeung A, Zulauf C, Wilens T. College Students: Mental Health Problems and Treatment Considerations. Acad Psychiatry. 2015;39(5):503–511. doi:10.1007/s40596-014-0205-9

2 Auerbach, R. (2018). WHO World Mental Health Surveys International College Student Project: Prevalence and Distribution of Mental Disorders.

3 Wyatt T, Oswalt S, Ochoa Y. Mental Health and Academic Performance of First-Year College Students. International Journal of Higher Education. 2017. doi:10.5430/ijhe.v6n3p178

4 (2016), College and Your Mental Health. Starting the Conversation, [online] p.8. Available at:

5 Gordon, J., Meltzer, H. and Tye, K. (2017). Advice on the Early Warning Signs of Schizophrenia. Brain & Behavior. [online] Available at:

6 (2019). Depression. [online] Available at:

7 (2019). Maintaining a Healthy Relationship. [online] Available at:

8 Mental Illness Policy Org. (2019). Schizophrenia Fact Sheet – Mental Illness Policy Org. [online] Available at:

9 (2019). Position Statement 41: Early Identification of Mental Health Issues in Young People | Mental Health America. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Sep. 2019].

ALKERMES® is a registered trademark of Alkermes, Inc. ©2019 Alkermes, Inc. All rights reserved. UNB-002774

The Transition to College – How to Access Support

This article is the first in a three-part series sponsored by Alkermes, focused on supporting young adult students and their community as they navigate the transition to college. Mental health is a key part of that transition, and support is available.

Watch for parts 2 & 3 in the series coming later this semester!

Transitioning to college can be a tough time for students. Between a major change in environment, new schedules, more freedom, and infinite choices, both in and out of the classroom, the pressure of the college experience can be intense and overwhelming for young adults, many of whom are on their own for the first time. This transition marks a major change in a student’s life; the stakes are high, and the struggle is real. In fact, approximately 20% of college freshmen leave school before their sophomore year.1

As the new school year and academic experience begin, the focus of students and their loved ones likely turns from getting into college to dorm room shopping, memorizing a new semester’s schedule, getting involved in extra-curricular activities and making new friends, among many other things. While orientation often includes discussions about physical health and safety on campus, it’s critical not to forget (or ignore) mental health and wellness during this time of immense change.

According to the World Health Organization’s World Mental Health International College Student Initiative—a study that surveyed students from 19 colleges in eight countries—approximately 35% of college freshmen report symptoms consistent with a diagnosable mental health disorder,2 and this transition can make symptoms even more apparent.3 In fact, mental health challenges among the collegiate population are common and, in many cases, increasing.3 Though the causes for these challenges, and subsequent serious mental illness diagnoses for some, are unknown, long-term mental illnesses often first appear during the teenage years or early 20s, coinciding with a student’s college years.4,5

During such a crucial time of transition and development for a young adult, there are several things to keep in mind when it comes to mental health:

• Start talking. Open lines of communication. Support often comes in the form of engagement and conversation. It’s not always easy to start, but it’s essential to health and well-being. Start with asking a question and see where the conversation goes.6,7,8

• Create positive habits. Developing positive habits can make this transition easier. Staying organized by keeping track of schedules and to-dos, prioritizing sleep, seeking healthy food options, staying physically active or adopting an app-based mindfulness practice can be helpful choices that impact mental health. Small changes can make a big difference! 6,8,9

• Normalize the experience. Remember that these challenges are to be expected – the transition to college isn’t easy. And it’s ok for you or someone you care about to experience a few bumps along the road.3,6,7

• Access resources on campus. Understand what is available at school and take advantage of all that is provided. Are there counseling services or a student health office that can assist? What about fitness and recreation facilities or a tutoring center that could help a student adjust to the amount of school work in college? 6,8

• Speak to a doctor. A primary care physician or on-campus clinic is a great place to start – they’ve had this conversation countless times before! And if they can’t provide the support needed, they can suggest helpful resources. 3,6,8

Transitioning to college is a very challenging time for students and their loved ones, and the journey isn’t always an easy one to navigate. With so many changes taking place, it’s important to actively monitor mental health and wellness. Early identification and intervention can make a difference in a young adult’s life as they navigate mental health challenges or a diagnosis. Know what to look for and speak up. Support is available.

If you are noticing differences in behavior and are concerned, consider reaching out to a trusted medical professional in your area or visit one of the following resources for additional information: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) or Mental Health America (MHA).

The next article in the 3-part series will discuss some common behaviors and symptoms of mental health challenges that may arise during the transition to college. The final piece will explore the importance of early intervention and ways to navigate support when a mental health diagnosis has been received.

This is intended as informational only and not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. 


1 U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2018, Fall Enrollment component; and Fall 2016, Institutional Characteristics component. Digest of Education Statistics 2018, 326.30.

2 Auerbach, R. (2018). WHO World Mental Health Surveys International College Student Project: Prevalence and Distribution of Mental Disorders.

3 Pedrelli P, Nyer M, Yeung A, Zulauf C, Wilens T. College Students: Mental Health Problems and Treatment Considerations. Acad Psychiatry. 2015;39(5):503–511. doi:10.1007/s40596-014-0205-9

4 Gogtay N, Vyas NS, Testa R, Wood SJ, Pantelis C. Age of onset of schizophrenia: perspectives from structural neuroimaging studies. Schizophr Bull. 2011;37(3):504–513. doi:10.1093/schbul/sbr030

5 American College Health Association. American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment II: Reference Group. Executive Summary Spring 2018. Silver Spring, MD: American College. Health Association; 2018.

6 (2019). Depression. [online] Available at:

7 (2019). Maintaining a Healthy Relationship. [online] Available at:

8 (2019). Managing a Mental Health Condition in College. [online] Available at:

9 (2019). Living with a Mental Health Condition. [online] Available at:

ALKERMES® is a registered trademark of Alkermes, Inc. ©2019 Alkermes, Inc. All rights reserved. UNB-002773

Quizlet Unveils New Swipe Studying and Content Creation Features

SAN FRANCISCO – October 9, 2019 – Quizlet, the largest user-generated consumer learning platform in the US, announced new features today that will make studying easier and more fun as students begin to prepare for the first test days of the school year.

Better grades are just a swipe away thanks to swipe flashcards on Quizlet’s free iOS and Android apps. This new feature allows students to quickly determine material they already know and focus on what they don’t — all through a fun and easy-to-use swipe interface. Only available on Quizlet’s mobile apps, swipe flashcards are helping students learn more content more quickly. Check out how the swipe studying feature works here.

Creating custom study sets on Quizlet is now easier and more efficient thanks to new advanced content creation features. Quizlet’s new smart scanning tool lets users instantly create study sets by scanning in their notes with their phone or tablet. New rich text formatting options allow users to highlight main ideas, underline key concepts and bold important terms to study with more focus. These advanced features help break down dense information, emphasize important material and better organize comprehensive study sets. Smart scanning and rich text content creation features are available to Quizlet Plus and Quizlet Teacher subscribers.

“With these new features, Quizlet is making studying more efficient and customizable to give students even more confidence as they prepare to ace their tests this year,” said Matthew Glotzbach, CEO of Quizlet. “92% of our users already say that Quizlet helps them get better grades, but we’re always trying to find new ways to help students get those consistent wins and feel successful in their learning journey.”

Since launching in 2005, Quizlet has steadily grown year-over-year and is used by students and teachers in 130 countries around the globe. Quizlet users create hundreds of thousands of study sets daily and the platform currently hosts more than 350 million user-generated study sets and 10.6 billion terms. Available on both desktop and mobile, Quizlet reaches over 50 million active users each month.

“Our features enable students to better express what they’re learning and enjoy the study experience, which is a goal that has been in Quizlet’s DNA from the very beginning,” said Andrew Sutherland, founder and CTO of Quizlet. “Today, technology has brought Quizlet to reach new levels of accessibility and ease for students to learn to the fullest.”

About Quizlet
Quizlet is used by two in three high school students and one in two college students – and a total of over 50 million people each month. Quizlet is the largest user-generated consumer learning platform in the US, using activities and games to help students practice and master what they’re learning. Quizlet’s learning activities help people effectively study over time so that they can master foundational information and retain it long-term. With more than 350 million user-created study sets currently available, students and teachers can find content from others or create their own. Quizlet supplements existing modes of learning, enabling students to engage with any material in the ways they learn best and providing a knowledge base for teachers to share content with one another. The company offers a combination of free and paid subscriptions for both students and teachers that enable further customization.

Quizlet was founded in 2005 by then-high-school-student Andrew Sutherland to study for a French exam. It is headquartered in San Francisco, California and is backed by Icon Ventures, Union Square Ventures and Costanoa Ventures. For more information, please visit

Loretta Stevens

Phi Kappa Phi Accepting Applications for Dissertation Fellowship Program

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines, is now accepting applications for its Dissertation Fellowship Program. Ten fellowships of $10,000 each will be awarded.

Introduced in 2014, the program is designed to support doctoral candidates who are writing their dissertations. To be eligible, applicants must be an active Phi Kappa Phi member in the dissertation writing stage of doctoral study. All pre-dissertation requirements should be met by the Nov. 30 deadline including approval of the dissertation proposal.

“I am honored to be one of the 2019 Dissertation Fellowship recipients. The Phi Kappa Phi honor society does a great service to our country by empowering and encouraging graduate students committed to the betterment of our society,” said Elizabeth Bell, a 2019 Dissertation Fellow. “Graduate school can be challenging financially and mentally for many students, and it’s programs like this that make it possible for us to succeed in our mission of seeking truth and speaking truth to power.”

The selection process for a dissertation fellowship examines how the fellowship will contribute to the completion of the dissertation, the significance of original research, and endorsement by the dissertation chair. Recipients will receive $10,000 to apply toward 12 months of dissertation writing.

The dissertation fellowships are part of the Society’s robust portfolio of award programs, which give nearly $1 million each year to outstanding members through graduate fellowships, study abroad grants, funding for post-baccalaureate development, and grants for local, national and international literacy initiatives.

The deadline to submit an application for a dissertation fellowship is Nov. 30, 2019, and recipients will be notified by March 1, 2020. For full eligibility requirements and application instructions, visit

About Phi Kappa Phi
Founded in 1897, Phi Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Phi Kappa Phi inducts approximately 30,000 students, faculty, professional staff and alumni annually. The Society has chapters on more than 300 select colleges and universities in North America and the Philippines. Membership is by invitation only to the top 10 percent of seniors and graduate students and 7.5 percent of juniors. Faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction also qualify. The Society’s mission is “To recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others.” For more information, visit


Media Contact
Alyssa Perez
Communications Director
(225) 923-7777

Free Financial Literacy Resources Now Available to Cengage Unlimited Subscribers

Today’s College Students More Worried about Managing Money than Managing their Courses

BOSTON—September 26, 2019 — Today’s college students are anything but traditional, with many students being older, the first in their families to attend college and juggling jobs and child care in addition to their classes.  And, as college costs continue to rise, nearly half of today’s students say managing their money is their biggest worry, according to a recent report.

“With student debt levels at $1.5 trillion and growing, it’s no wonder that students are worried about their finances,” said Michael E. Hansen, CEO of Cengage. “Yet by taking the time to plan and become financially literate, students will develop more confidence in their ability to manage their money.

“That’s why we’re now offering free financial literacy resources with every Cengage Unlimited subscription.  It’s another way for us to support students beyond their classes and help them be better prepared for the world outside their classrooms.”

A Cengage Unlimited subscription gives students access to more than 22,000 products, including eBooks, online homework access codes and study guides for one price — $119.99 a semester ($179.99 a year), no matter how many materials they use. The subscription includes six financial literacy tutorials, including:

1. Common Credit Terms: helpful definitions to learn the difference between terms like annual percentage rate and interest rate

2. Managing Student Loans: information on different loan types

3. Organizing Financial Paperwork: tips for keeping organized to stay on budget

4. Saving an Emergency Fund: how many months of expenses should be considered

5. Spending Less Money: obvious and not-so-obvious ways to save

6. Taking Control of Your Credit Cards: information about managing cards and avoiding pitfalls

In addition to free financial literacy resources, Cengage Unlimited includes college success and career support activities in areas such as time management and goal setting. Students can explore career paths, assess their skills, build resumes and take advantage of career-readiness support, including in-demand soft skills training. In addition, each Cengage Unlimited subscription includes access to resources and services from Dashlane, Evernote, Kaplan, Quizlet and Chegg.

Launched in August 2018, more than one million Cengage Unlimited subscriptions have been sold and student savings are expected to reach $160 million by the end of this academic year.

Students can access their own projected savings from Cengage Unlimited using the Savings Calculator and they can see total savings at their institution to-date via the interactive Savings Map.

For more information about Cengage Unlimited, or to purchase a subscription visit:

About Cengage
Cengage is the education and technology company built for learners. As the largest US-based provider of teaching and learning materials for higher education, we offer valuable options at affordable price points. Our industry-leading initiatives include Cengage Unlimited, the first-of-its-kind all-access digital subscription service.  We embrace innovation to create learning experiences that build confidence and momentum toward the future students want. Headquartered in Boston, Cengage also serves K-12, library and workforce training markets around the world. Visit us at or find us on Facebook or Twitter.

Media Contact
Kristina Massari


Take on Bar Trivia with Geeks Who Drink Presents: Duh!

BOSTON, MA, September 18, 2019— Bring the best in bar trivia to your dorm room with all-new book Geeks Who Drink Presents: Duh!: 100 Bar Trivia Questions You Should Know (And the Unexpected Stories Behind the Answers), from author Christopher D. Short and Geeks Who Drink!

Geeks Who Drink Presents: Duh! features 100 hilarious trivia questions and informative essays that break down all the answers. Short knows the best questions make you think you should know the answer, even if you don’t, so he has curated a collection of trivia that will have readers saying, “duh!” as soon as they see the answers. The book also takes readers on a deep dive of random knowledge that explains the “why,” “where,” and “how” behind every answer.

Author Christopher D. Short, chief editor of Geeks Who Drink, says: “I guess your professors are smart and all, but are they going to teach you about that time Miley Cyrus’ real dad had to audition to play her TV dad? Don’t worry! Geeks Who Drink Presents: Duh! is full of inessential facts like that. And if you happen to hustle your local pub quiz with this new knowledge, it’s a win for everyone! Except the other teams you beat, of course.”

College students can now test their knowledge before heading to trivia night. By reading through this book and brushing up on the classic questions and answers, students will be the reigning expert at their nearest bar trivia night in no time! Or, friends can gather in the comfort of their dorm rooms to host their very own trivia night. Just use the questions and answers in the book, then laugh all night at the hilarious notes from the Geeks Who Drink team!

Geeks Who Drink Presents: Duh! is available now wherever books are sold. Learn more about the book:


About the Author
As chief editor of Geeks Who Drink since 2010, Christopher D. Short has read, looked at, listened to, written, or rewritten some 200,000 distinct pieces of trivia—and those are just the ones he was paid for. In 2011, Short became the fourteenth-ever six-time champion on Jeopardy (he’s still the one who earned the least money). He lives in Crawfordsville, Indiana, with his wife, son, and a pitifully small dog.

Adams Media
Mary Kate Schulte
(508) 213-4139

Colleges Failing to Prepare Students for Careers and Citizenship

ACTA launches 11th edition of What Will They Learn?

Washington, DC – The American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) has released the latest edition of its signature publication What Will They Learn? 2019-2020. This year’s report has a new look with a revised website, a new focus on high school counselors, and an emphasis on what employers believe a core curriculum should provide to students.

Unlike popular ranking systems, What Will They Learn?® uniquely assesses the core academic requirements at 1,123 four-year institutions that together enroll more than eight million undergraduate students. Grades are assigned based on whether colleges and universities require all students to take courses in seven priority subject areas as part of their general education programs. Those subjects, identified as critically important to a 21st century college education by ACTA’s Council of Scholars, are: Composition, Literature, (intermediate-level) Foreign Language, U.S. Government or History, Economics, Mathematics, and Natural Science.

“It’s not surprising that public confidence in higher education is falling,” said Michael Poliakoff, ACTA’s president. “Amidst all the fanfare about the release of the latest college rankings this week, there is not a peep about ill-informed citizens, often underprepared for the workforce, who are graduating from our colleges and universities with mountains of student debt. By focusing on resource inputs, admissions selectivity, and institutional reputation, the major rankings systems drive costs up but show little interest in what students learn—or don’t learn.”

This year, only 22 institutions earned an “A” for requiring 6–7 of the core subject areas, and 137 schools failed.  While most universities require students to take courses in composition and the natural sciences, curricular gaps are common everywhere else.

• 82% do not require students to take a foundational course in U.S. government or history.
• 43% do not require students to take a college-level mathematics course.
• 68% do not require students to study literature.
• 88% do not require intermediate-level foreign language courses.
• 97% do not require a course in economics.

A rigorous and coherent core curriculum, focused on courses in traditional arts and science disciplines, is the best way for students to develop the capacity for critical analysis, oral and written communication skills, and intercultural fluency that employers increasingly demand.

Colleges and universities are also failing to prepare students for informed citizenship. The lack of a U.S. government or history requirement, in particular, helps to explain why in a recent survey, nearly 1 in 5 Americans selected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the author of the New Deal.

At most universities, it is possible to take ACTA’s recommended core curriculum in 21 to 27 credit hours—which is less than one-fifth of a 120-hour baccalaureate degree. There is no reason that higher education cannot uphold this essential body of skills and knowledge for all students.


ACTA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to academic freedom, academic excellence, and accountability in higher education. We receive no government funding and are supported through the generosity of individuals and foundations. For more information, visit, follow us on Facebook or Twitter, and subscribe to our newsletter.

Connor Murnane
(202) 798-5450

It’s Crunch Time – 3 Last Minute Tips for Saving on Textbook Costs this Semester

It’s officially time for school. Whether starting your freshman year, senior year or even entering grad school, the start of a new college semester brings about anxiety – especially when it comes to expenses. After tuition, buying textbooks is the largest financial stressor facing students, with the average annual cost for course materials varying from $400 to upwards of $1,000.

The good news is, students today have more options than ever when it comes to learning materials. And these choices can directly lead to cost savings.

With most colleges back to the academic grind this week, what steps can you take to save?

Ask the professor.
We’ve all had it happen – the syllabus is missing the textbook edition, or there is a misprinted title, or it is unclear what readings are required versus recommended. Take the time to check in with the instructor for recommendations on where to buy the book, options for rental or insight into digital versions that might be more cost effective. An added benefit to this step is that it puts you on the instructor’s radar, leaving a positive impression that you are engaged in the course from the start.

Consider how you learn best.
College is not a one-size-fits-all system. Today, textbooks and course materials are available in a variety of print and digital formats – at varying price points. While cost savings is often one goal, it’s also important to ensure you are using the course materials and tools that are going to best help you succeed in a given class – otherwise, what’s the point? Give weight to your personal learning style, and also, what you know about the individual courses from friends who may have taken the course previously. Consider whether a physical book helps you retain information better than an eBook, or if a digital version that includes personalized quizzes and check-ins could help give you a boost.

Do some late night cramming.
If you’ve found yourself in denial about the start of a new school year, it’s worth doing an early semester cramming session to research the materials needed for each of your courses.

Consider your choices in format and delivery model – from print and digital, to rental and subscription. There are more options now than you might think, and it’s important you find the one that fits your needs and budget. Also, if you did wait until the last minute, it should be a comfort to know that digital versions of texts are most often available immediately so you can ensure you don’t fall behind on your required reading.

Cengage Unlimited, an all-access subscription service, is one new option for saving on textbooks costs. You pay just one fee (about $120 a semester or $180 a year) to get access to every eBook in the Cengage library (22,000+ titles), as well as additional homework and study tools. And, if you still want a print version of your textbooks, you can rent one for just $7.99 per book. As part of your cram session, you can use the Cengage Unlimited Calculator to figure out how much you could save, and if it makes sense based on the textbooks your professors require.

College is expensive. Yet, by following these three steps, you’ll find options that lessen the burden and help you start the semester off on a path to success.

Media Contact:
Emily Featherston

Ready for the semester? Get schooled on MenB among college students

Recent CDC data show that only 17.2 percent of 17-year-olds have received a vaccine that helps protect against meningitis B1

Philadelphia, PA, August 26, 2019 – With the fall semester upon us, it’s often a busy time where you find yourself shopping and preparing for the school year. In the midst of back-to-school planning, don’t overlook health care. Nicolis Williams started his first semester at college ready to take on the world, but because of meningitis, he never got that chance.

While uncommon, meningococcal disease, also known as meningitis, continues to appear on college campuses across the United States. These cases and outbreaks are unpredictable, and the outcomes can be devastating for impacted communities and organizations.2

Early symptoms of meningitis can be mild at first, but the disease can progress quickly and become life threatening, sometimes within 24 hours.3 The good news is that you can help protect yourself against meningitis through vaccination, though vaccination may not protect all recipients.

There are two different types of vaccines available to help protect against the five-vaccine preventable groups of meningitis – A, C, W, Y, and B.4

When you were younger, you may have received a meningitis ACWY vaccine, but you may not have gotten a meningitis B vaccine. As of 2019, only 17.2 percent of 17-year-olds have received a meningitis B vaccine, which wasn’t available until late 2014.1,5

From 2011 through March 2019, meningitis B caused all US college meningococcal outbreaks, involving 13 campuses, 50 cases, and two deaths among an at-risk population of approximately 253,000 students.6 A number of colleges and universities have taken a stand against the disease, recommending or requiring that incoming students get vaccinated before the school year.7

The best way to find out if you’ve received both types of meningitis vaccines is by talking to your doctor. Before you head back to school, take five minutes to learn more about meningitis and how you can help protect yourself.

Visit for more information.

About GSK
GSK is a science-led global healthcare company with a special purpose: to help people do more, feel better, live longer. For further information please visit

Christie Gilmore


1CDC. National, Regional, State, and Selected Local Area Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13–17 Years — United States, 2018. MMWR. 2019; 68(33):718-723.
2CDC. Meningococcal Outbreaks. Available at:
3CDC. Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: Chapter 8: Meningococcal Disease.
Available at: Accessed June 2019.
4CDC. Meningococcal ACWY VIS. Available at:
5CDC. Meningococcal Vaccine Safety. Available at:
6Marshall GS, Dempsey AF, Srivastava A, Isturiz RE. US College Students Are at Increased Risk for Serogroup B Meningococcal Disease. JPIDS. 2019. piz024,
7Meningitis B Action Project. Meningitis B Cases and Mandates Tracker. Available at:

Ace Campus Life with Amazon Prime Student

Prime Student members can enjoy an exclusive new music benefit – Amazon Music Unlimited for Just $0.99 a month

College students can sign up for a six-month trial of Prime Student and enjoy fast, free delivery from Prime, thousands of movies and shows with Prime Video, ad-free music and more

With move-in week right around the corner, students are getting ready to head back to campus this fall. Whether they are a freshman getting ready to start their first semester or a junior moving into off-campus housing for the first time, Amazon has a great deal they all can benefit from – Prime Student. Prime Student is a membership designed for college students that offers the best of shopping and entertainment from Amazon. Members can stream ad-free music, stream thousands of movies and TV shows on Prime Video, receive discounts on college essentials, and get fast, free shipping all in one place, making campus life easy and fun. Prime Student is 50% off Prime. Students enrolled in two- and four-year colleges can sign up for a six-month trial at

New Prime Student Benefit: Amazon Music Unlimited for $0.99
Along with exclusive deals and perks year-round, new and current Prime Student members can now subscribe to Amazon Music Unlimited at the new price of $0.99 per month and get more than 50 million songs and the latest releases on-demand and ad-free. Current student members can simply add on the Amazon Music Unlimited offer to their monthly or annual Prime Student membership plan and new members who haven’t yet tried Prime Student can sign up for a six-month trial at Students can discover new music through voice with Alexa, including asking for music by mood, activity, and lyrics; create a playlist just by asking; and start streaming a variety of top Amazon Music global playlists featuring the latest in hip-hop, pop hits and more. To hear chart-topping hits across genres, customers can access Alexa in the Amazon Music App for iOS or Android, and on all Alexa-enabled devices. Try asking:

• “Alexa, play Rap Rotation,” to listen to the recently-launched, new home for hip-hop in heavy rotation
• “Alexa, play Pop Culture,” featuring the most buzzworthy songs across the current pop music landscape
• “Alexa, play the Back to School playlist,” to hear upbeat jams
• “Alexa, play All Hits,” to hear a selection of the most popular songs in the world
• “Alexa, play Fuego Latino,” to listen to hot tracks by today’s best Latin acts

Shop College Essentials on Amazon’s Off-to-College Store
Browse dorm style guides and millions of college must-haves at Amazon’s Off-to-College Store,, a one-stop shop for everything from electronics and textbooks to duvet’s and picture frames.

Exclusive Perks with Prime Student
Here’s a cheat sheet on some of the perks students can enjoy when they sign up:

Get Everything Fast: It’s not easy to always trek off campus for the things you need – and sometimes, you need it fast. With Prime getting even faster with Prime Free One-Day Delivery now available on 10 million products coast to coast, students can find popular college items including bedding, furniture, school supplies and more – all delivered in one day or less.
Unlimited Entertainment: Members get instant access to thousands of movies and TV shows like Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan or Emmy-winning The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel as well as The Jonas Brothers’ documentary Chasing Happiness and Guava Island starring Donald Glover and Rihanna with Prime Video.
Game Time: Prime Student members can make their dorm everyone’s favorite game room with exclusive gaming benefits on Twitch. Members can enjoy in-game loot for some of the world’s most popular games, free games each month, a monthly Twitch channel subscription, and more.
New Semester Wardrobe: Students can shop for the latest college styles and trends using Prime Wardrobe – an innovative service that lets you try before you buy the latest styles from Amazon. Simply try-on at home, decide what you like and only be charged for what you keep. Return unwanted items for free in the package provided.
Textbooks Made Easy: Students can purchase and rent textbooks on Amazon and save up to 85%, with the option to extend the rental period or purchase the book.

Not yet a Prime member? Prime Student is 50% off Prime. Students enrolled in two- and four-year colleges can sign up for a six-month trial at


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