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2014 National Collegiate Student Prize Competition Seeking Applicants and Corporate Sponsors 

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (September 18, 2013) – The Lemelson-MIT Program today announced the expansion of its prestigious Collegiate Student Prize program to the Lemelson-MIT National Collegiate Student Prize Competition, a nationwide search for the most inventive undergraduate and graduate students. The Lemelson-MIT Program will award $50,000 in prizes this year, with winning undergraduate teams receiving $10,000 in two categories and graduate student winners receiving $15,000 in two categories.

The national prize builds on the legacy of the Lemelson-MIT Collegiate Student Prize, which has served as a springboard for collegiate inventors for nearly twenty years. The Lemelson-MIT Program has awarded a student prize at MIT since 1994 and additional prizes in collaboration with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 2007 and the California Institute of Technology from 2009-2011.

“Building and upholding excitement around invention at the undergraduate and graduate levels is critically important. Inventors who can think globally and create technologies to solve problems anywhere in the world are key to the competitiveness of the US economy,” said Joshua Schuler, executive director of the Lemelson-MIT Program. “We are excited to leverage our experience awarding the student prize at MIT and select partner schools to recognize students across the country who are reimagining a better tomorrow through invention.”

Prize Categories
The National Collegiate Student Prize Competition, supported by The Lemelson Foundation, is open to teams of undergraduate students and individual graduate students enrolled at U.S. institutions. Applicants can submit their inventions in two categories:

The “Cure it!” Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
“Cure it!” will reward students working on technology-based inventions that can improve healthcare

The “Use it!” Lemelson-MIT Student Prize
“Use it!” will reward students working on technology-based inventions that can improve consumer devices and tools

Inventions can address opportunities in both developed and developing economies.

Judging Criteria
Applicants will be evaluated by category-specific screening groups and a prestigious national jury, the same jury that selects the winner of the annual $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize, on a range of criteria including portfolio of inventions for graduate student entrants and a single invention for undergraduate teams; potential for commercialization of inventions and demonstrated youth leadership and mentorship. The deadline to apply is December 31, 2013. Winners will be selected in April 2014.

“My husband, Jerry, believed that we needed to invest in the ingenuity and inventiveness of our country’s youth to expand our economy and maintain our economic competitiveness in a constantly changing world,” said Dorothy Lemelson, Chair of The Lemelson Foundation. “We established the Lemelson-MIT Student Prize to inspire and showcase collegiate student inventors. Over the past 19 plus years, I have marveled at the breadth of vision and creativity of each student prize winner, as well as the applicants. The new Lemelson-MIT National Collegiate Student Prize Competition will allow us to shine an even brighter light on some of the greatest and most inventive young people in our nation.”

Past winners include Carl Dietrich, founder of Terrafugia and inventor of the Transition, a street-legal airplane that has been internationally heralded as the “first practical flying car;” and Nate Ball, host of PBS Kids show Design Squad Nation, inventor of the ATLAS Powered Rope for emergency responders and soldiers, and founder of Atlas Devices.

Call for Sponsors
The Lemelson-MIT Program will expand the competition to additional categories in future years. The organization is seeking partners with interest in sponsoring the “Cure it!” and “Use it!” categories, in addition to supporting the execution and scaling of the National Collegiate Student Prize Competition. Future categories could include “Drive it!” for students reimagining transportation; “Eat it!” for students reimagining food and agriculture; “Wear it!” for students inventing the next generation of wearable consumer products; and “Network it!” for students reimagining how products and services are delivered through web-based networks.

Celebrating innovation, inspiring youth
The Lemelson-MIT Program celebrates outstanding innovators and inspires young people to pursue creative lives and careers through invention.

Jerome H. Lemelson, one of U.S. history’s most prolific inventors, and his wife Dorothy founded the Lemelson-MIT Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1994. It is funded by The Lemelson Foundation and administered by the School of Engineering. For more information, visit

Founded in 1992 by prolific U.S. inventor Jerome Lemelson and his wife Dorothy, The Lemelson Foundation works to inspire and enable the next generation of inventors and invention-based enterprises in order to build a stronger U.S. economy and create social and economic change for the poor in developing countries. For more information, visit

From Campus to Career: LinkedIn Can Help You Achieve Your Dreams

By Ada Yu

LinkedIn is now for students like you.

You’ve done some great stuff – both in and out of school. LinkedIn can help you show that to the world. And as you make big decisions about college and your future career, we can help you explore all the amazing possibilities.

Whether it’s choosing a school, picking a major, or thinking about jobs, LinkedIn is the place to be. It’s your resume that never sleeps, a way for colleges and companies to find you, a tool to see career paths of graduates, and a place to talk to schools, current students, and alumni.

Here’s how to get started.

Tell Your Story

Colleges and employers are on LinkedIn. Want to stand out with them? You’ll need to build a professional online identity.

Your LinkedIn profile is the starting point. Make sure you have an appropriate profile picture, write a concise headline, and show off all of your experience – from volunteering and extracurricular activities, to part-time or full-time jobs and internships.

For more profile tips, check out:


It’s Not Just What You Know, It’s Who You Know

Use LinkedIn to build a network so it’s there when you need it.

Think broadly about who to connect with. It’s not just about your friends or colleagues – it’s also about people who’ve walked in your shoes: Family, friends of your parents, teachers, mentors, and managers. They want to help. They can suggest schools, tell you about their career paths, or connect you to a great internship.

And remember to personalize your requests to connect!

See What’s Possible

LinkedIn is a great place to learn – about schools, industries, and interesting paths from campus to career.

Explore our new University Pages to learn about schools – see notable alumni and the career paths that graduates have taken to see if it’s a good fit for you. Follow the conversation on University Pages – or join in and ask questions.

Many students join LinkedIn Groups for “virtual internships” – to learn about the interests and skills of experts in different industries – and see if it’s something they want to pursue. Groups are also helpful in making connections in your future field. Our Influencers and News Channels are great sources of inspiration and insight from leaders in many areas – and can help you find your own path. And when the time comes to find that dream internship or entry-level job, LinkedIn’s Student Job Portal will give you easy access to opportunities at some of the best companies worldwide to help with your search.


Check out our teen safety center for more info on getting started on LinkedIn.

Your future awaits! LinkedIn can help you picture it – and get there.


Northwestern Mutual Inspires Millennials to Show Themselves Some FLC™ (Financial Loving Care)

MILWAUKEE, Sept. 17, 2013 – Today Northwestern Mutual introduces a new online resource,, designed to empower college students and recent grads to carve a path towards financial independence. “Millennials hear it all the time: What are you going to do when you graduate?” says Michael Van Grinsven, director of internships at Northwestern Mutual. “Despite being the most educated generation in history, this is a tough question with no easy answer. That’s because they need to consider their financial, career and lifestyle choices all at once. TheMintGrad has a unique mission to show 18-24 year olds how planning can be the difference between having a dream and making it come to life. And it all starts with FLC (financial loving care). Coined by Northwestern Mutual, the premise of FLC is that developing strong financial habits is inherent to overall wellbeing. “We know that Millennials invest a lot of time and money into their health, image, and personal interests,” says Bill Taylor, vice president of financial planning at Northwestern Mutual. “Focusing on financial fitness makes all these priorities possible.” User-friendly and interactive, TheMintGrad is comprised of four easily navigable sections. The content, developed by leading financial gurus and Northwestern Mutual experts, covers a broad spectrum of career and lifestyle planning topics in addition to financial goal-setting:

  • Learn – easy-read articles provide tips for everyday money management, and career guidance
  • Try It – interactive tools help users practice key concepts firsthand. Includes budget worksheets, savings calculators, and financial fitness tests
  • Plan (to achieve your goals)  – unique self-assessments help visitors delve into their financial persona and deepen their  understanding of what shapes  their spending, saving and budgeting behaviors; while developing a roadmap to accomplish their financial goals
  • Socialize (about money) - community forum features blog posts, polls and fun facts from a rotating think tank of financial experts

“Every element of the site – the look and feel, the topics, the tone – is geared to Millennials,” says Jean Towell, manager of “Our goal is to make TheMintGrad a resource this group turns to for guidance with navigating life decisions – like a smart, savvy friend who gives great advice without judgment.” Throughout its history, Northwestern Mutual has remained committed to helping people at all life stages forge a path to financial security. TheMintGrad is an extension of, which supports families and teachers with fun learning tools to guide children and teens to develop healthy habits.

– more –

“It’s never too soon for Millennials to start thinking about their game plan.” says Taylor. In fact, a 2013 Northwestern Mutual study showed Millennials are substantially more likely than other generations to call themselves “highly disciplined” planners. “TheMintGrad provides the tools to help them get money smart no matter what curveballs come their way,” he adds.


View full infographic

About Northwestern Mutual Northwestern Mutual is among the “World’s Most Admired” life insurance companies in 2013 according to FORTUNE® magazine and has helped clients achieve financial security for more than 156 years. As a mutual company with $1.4 trillion of life insurance protection in force, Northwestern Mutual has no shareholders. The company focuses solely and directly on its clients and seeks to deliver consistent and dependable value to them over time. Northwestern Mutual is the marketing name for The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI, and its subsidiaries. Northwestern Mutual and its subsidiaries offer a holistic approach to financial security solutions including: life insurance, long-term care insurance, disability income insurance, annuities, investment products, and advisory products and services. Subsidiaries include Northwestern Mutual Investment Services, LLC, broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, member FINRA and SIPC; the Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company, limited purpose federal savings bank; Northwestern Long Term Care Insurance Company; and Russell Investments.


For further information, contact:
Nikita Vilim

Scholarship: AirSage PASS for Young Professionals in Transportation

YPT members, AirSage wants to know: Where are you going and how can we help advance your career?

ATLANTA, GA September 16, 2013—Young Professionals in Transportation (YPT) now have access to a new source of funding specifically earmarked for professional development and continuing education through The AirSage PASS: Professional Advancement & Success Scholarship.  AirSage™—a pioneer in digital population analytics, and the largest provider of consumer travel trends and population movement intelligence in the U.S.—has partnered with the national chapter of YPT to support the organization’s focus on cultivating emerging leaders in the transportation sector.  Headquartered out of Washington D.C., YPT provides professional development, fellowship, and networking opportunities for young professionals in the transportation field across the country and around the world.

Each quarter, the AirSage PASS program will award scholarships to young transportation professionals who have a drive to further develop their career through training, conferences, seminars, or other methods of advancement.  Depending on need and requirements, the funds can help cover the cost of registration, tuition, travel expenses and other fees.

“Today’s professionals must keep current in new and emerging technologies to recommend the most cost-effective, site-specific solutions,” said Thomas W. Brahms, Executive Director and CEO, Institute of Transportation Engineers. “In addition, we need to encourage new partnerships between the public and private sectors to develop collaborative solutions for transportation needs at all stages: planning, design, implementation and maintenance.”

The AirSage PASS, exclusively for YPT members, is part of AirSage’s larger commitment to corporate responsibility and focus on Giving Back that also includes:

☐     Contributions through donations to the LeadershipITE program (identifies, develops and engages leaders to shape the future of transportation) and sponsorships (as a Sustaining Affiliate sponsor for the YPT Organization).
☐     Educational discounts on AirSage data sets for universities and academic research that can advance the next generation of transportation professionals as well as the industry as a whole.

“As a technology company providing data to the transportation industry, AirSage has a responsibility to support industry-wide advancements through insights and education,” said Cy Smith, Founder and CEO of AirSage. “This summer’s release of the first ever ‘AirSage Annual Transportation Industry Survey’ eBook was one way to share industry insights. The AirSage PASS provides another opportunity to create a unique legacy of impact within the transportation planning community.”

AirSage PASS applications are reviewed quarterly. Details—including application and eligibility requirements, are accessible online. The first application deadline is Sep. 27, 2013 with announcement of awards on Oct. 11, 2013. The tentative schedule for subsequent awards:

☐     PASS Award deadline: Dec. 13, 2013  Award Announcement: Jan. 3, 2014
☐     PASS Award deadline: Mar. 7, 2014  Award Announcement: Apr. 2, 2014
☐     PASS Award deadline: Jun. 6, 2014  Award Announcement: Jul. 2, 2014

About AirSage
AirSage™—a pioneer in population analytics—is the largest provider of consumer locations and population movement intelligence in the U.S. Each day, AirSage uses patented technology to capture and analyze more than 15 billion anonymous, real-time, cellular-signal data points to identify travel patterns and transportation trends. Partnerships with the nation’s largest wireless carriers give AirSage exclusive access to data from more than 100 million mobile devices. Analyzed and aggregated, AirSage data provides actionable insights into where and when people travel and is transforming the transportation industry, commercial enterprises and a diverse range of industries. Find AirSage online at and on Twitter @AirSage

About YPT
YPT is a professional organization for young transportation professionals based in Washington, DC with chapters around the country. We aim to provide career guidance, fellowship, and networking opportunities for young professionals in the transportation field through seminars, meetings, and happy hours. Find YPT online at and @YPTvoice

California Business Students Compete in Ericsson’s Global Competition

WHAT: The Ericsson Networked Society Cities Case Competition encourages top global business students to try and solve the challenges of urbanization with information and communications technology. The winning team from the regional Networked Society Cities Case Competition, taking place in San Jose this week, will be awarded $3,000 and advance to the global Networked Society Cities Case Competition in Miami Beach, Fla. Top teams in Miami Beach will be judged by industry leaders and take home a combined $48,000 in awards.

WHO: Top business students from countries and regions including the U.S., Canada, China, Nigeria, Senegal, Thailand, Taiwan, Sweden, Portugal, Finland, Estonia, Ukraine, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil.

WHEN & Bay Area media are invited to attend the Silicon Valley Regional Competition,
WHERE: where Stanford, USC, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, and UC Davis will compete. To RSVP, please email the media contact below.

September 13 and 14
Ericsson Silicon Valley Headquarters
250 Holger Way
San Jose, CA 95134

On November 18, winners will be announced in Miami Beach, Fla. at Ericsson’s Networked Society Forum.

QUOTE: “At Ericsson, we believe that mobile and broadband connectivity are vital to mitigating some of the global challenges of rapid urbanization,” said Don McCullough, director of strategic communication at Ericsson. “With the global Ericsson Networked Society Cities Case Competition, we are capturing some of the best thinking around these challenges from the next generation of global stewards.”

MORE INFO: For more information on the Ericsson Networked Society Cities Case Competition, click here. For specific details on the 2013 competition, click here.

CONTACT: Maria Culp
North of Nine Communications
415-268-4803 Merges Crowdsourcing with School Pride announces the launch of their new crowdsourcing site, which capitalizes on support structures from educational institutions.

Fort Lauderdale, FL (PRWEB) September 11, 2013 – launched its crowdsourcing site which enables entrepreneurs to set up fundraising campaigns to accept pledges for their projects and draw upon the support of their academic network. Campaign Teams can choose to be identified by their Academic Institution or by their Sorority or Fraternity. Through, it is also possible to search crowdfunding projects that have been launched by students, alumni or faculty from one’s school, sorority or fraternity. To set up a campaign or fund one, visit

And to celebrate the launch of the platform, is sponsoring a fundraising contest. Please visit and click “Get Started” to learn more.

The word crowdsourcing was originally coined in 2005 by the features editor at Wired Magazine. Since that time, a variety of websites have launched with the goal of helping crowdsourcers to raise needed funds to launch new products, services and ventures. However, is the first platform to draw upon the vast resources available through the network of educational institutions.

Indiana University, Kelley School of Business MBA and site founder Dominic De Cayette stated, “Alumni, students and faculty have a natural connection and interest in the success of their colleagues. The goal of is to bring individuals seeking money via crowdsourcing together with other students, faculty and alumni from their college.”

Launching a new fundraising project on was designed to be an easy and streamlined process. Individuals simply select their institution, sorority or fraternity and create a profile page detailing their project and the amount of money that they need to raise to successfully launch. Once the project has been posted on the site, campaign teams can then reach out to school alumni, college friends and faculty to make their funding goals a reality. In turn, project funders benefit from receiving unique one-of-a-kind perks and incentives in return for their contributions.

Dominic adds, “Access to crowdfunding through academic networks need not be a one way street from alumni to students. Resources should flow to bright, creative ideas from alumni to alumni, faculty to alumni, student to student and so on. We are bringing together the power of crowdfunding with the power of academia and entrepreneurship. When people see the drive and enthusiasm of others within their academic network, that passion is contagious!”

About specializes in assisting those with crowdfunding projects to connect with students, faculty and alumni from their academic institutions. The platform enables entrepreneurs to launch new fundraising projects and then draw upon the support of people connected with their college or university to reach their funding goals. For more information, visit

Contact Person: Dominic De Cayette
Phone Number: 954.380.7271
Email Address:


Why You Are Now Less Dumb

Recently featured on and Boing Boing’s Gweek Podcast, David McRaney offers insights into human nature and psychology that you can apply to your everyday life in YOU ARE NOW LESS DUMB: How to Conquer Mob Mentality, How to Buy Happiness, and All the Other Ways to Outsmart Yourself (Gotham Books). McRaney uses his signature mix of matter-of-fact humor and wit to answer questions like: “Is a belief more likely to be accurate just because many people share it?” and “Does a sequence of seemingly connected events actually mean anything?” Just check out the book trailer here for a taste of the many delusions we humans have been prey to over time.

You’ll learn how clothes can add to or subtract from your mental abilities, why getting paid to do something you love (as countless graduation speeches might advise you to do) diminishes your enjoyment of it, and how environmental factors have a bigger impact on your emotions than you’d think (which is why meeting a date for coffee, rather than drinks, can lead to greater attraction).

Whether you’re a budding amateur psychologist or trivia fiend, YOU ARE NOW LESS DUMB has plenty of food for thought for anyone who’s ever wondered why we do the strange, irrational things we do. But while you’re certainly not as smart as you’ve been taught to believe, it’s possible, with David McRaney’s book, that YOU ARE NOW LESS DUMB.


David McRaney is a journalist and a self-described psychology nerd. He is the author of You Are Not So Smart, which grew out of the popular blog and has written for several publications including The Atlantic and Psychology Today. He is a two-time winner of the William Randolph Hearst Award for his features and opinions writing, and in 2006 he was named one of the top 10 college journalists in the nation. He lives in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.

Lindsay Gordon
Asst. Director of Publicity

The Most Amazing Cat on the Planet tells her story in first book

It’s a fact: cats dominate the Internet. Since the dawn of the very first LOLCat meme, plenty of famed felines have graced our computer screens and beyond, but none with the charisma and charm of the big star known as Lil BUB. After starring in the award-winning Vice documentary Lil BUB & Friendz, and being recognized as one of the 9 Hottest Power Cats of Instagram by The Daily Beast and The Cutest Cat in the World by Good Morning America, the adorable (and possibly extraterrestrial) permakitten has finally wr itten her own book telling the amazing story of her life.

Featuring over 100 photos of BUB with her dude Mike and fellow Internet cats like Colonel Meow and Smoosh, LIL BUB’S LIL BOOK: The Extraordinary Life of the Most Amazing Cat on the Planet (Gotham Books; September 3, 2013) includes awe-inspiringly adorable and never-before-seen photos of BUB doing what she does best (being amazing). Join the multi-talented BUB as she goes on picnics, skateboards, signs autographs, forages for fishes, and explores our universe.

For a glimpse of the sheer awesomeness that is BUB, just check out her book trailer (which Buzzfeed called “The Cutest Book Launch Ever”). Lil BUB’S LIL BOOK is guaranteed to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step, and is the perfect gift for BUB aficionados, cat lovers, and anyone else who spends a little too much time on the Internet.


Lil BUB is the most amazing creature on the planet, and the author of LIL BUB’S LIL BOOK, which was telepathically written and transmitted to her dude Mike. Even before her meteoric rise to fame, BUB has made it her mission to raise money and spread awareness about the importance of pet adoption, spaying and neutering, and special needs pets. BUB has helped raise more than $65,000 in the past year donated to various shelters, organizations and animal charities across the US. Recently, she starred in the Vice documentary Lil BUB & Friendz, which won the Best Feature Film Award at the online 2013 Tribeca Film Festival. She is also the star of the Internet TV show Lil BUB’s Big Show.

Beth Parker
Assoc. Director of Publicity

Rdio Kicks-off Back-to-School with a Sweet Music Deal for College Students

Discover New Music With Stations, Add Old Favorites To A Collection, Listen Along With Friends For Less Than Five Bucks A Month!

Just in time for the return to campus, Rdio is unveiling a sweet music deal to make that hard earned summer cash last just a little bit longer. Starting today, Rdio is offering web and mobile access to its catalog of over 20 million songs for just $4.99 a month, half the regular price of $9.99. That’s over 20 million songs from every major label, thousands of independent labels, and Rdio-only exclusives so you’ll be sure to have music for every kind of all-nighter.

To sign up for Rdio’s sweet music deal for college students, visit New Rdio users will need to create a profile with Facebook Connect or an email address. For existing Rdio users, the discount applies to the next month.

To qualify, students must be enrolled and registered at a National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) affiliated school. A social security number and US-issued credit card is also required. International students or students without a valid SSN can’t be authenticated, and won’t be able to sign up for the program.

Subscribe and start listening anywhere — in a dorm room, on a phone, even at the library. (Quietly, of course.) You can even download songs to your mobile device for free to listen offline or when you’re not at your dorm. Currently only available in the United States. Stay tuned to for news and updates on the program, including expansion to other territories.

The college student discount for Rdio Unlimited is currently.

About Rdio
Rdio is the groundbreaking digital music service that is reinventing the way people discover, listen to, and share music. With on-demand access to over 20 million songs, Rdio connects people with music and makes it easy to search for and instantly play any song, album, artist, or playlist without ever hearing a single ad. Discover what friends, people with similar tastes, recording artists, and more are listening to in real-time and share across Twitter and Facebook. Build a digital music collection that’s available everywhere – on the web, in-home or in-car, on tablets or mobile phones, and even offline.

Launched in August 2010, Rdio is headquartered in San Francisco and was founded by Janus Friis, the co-creator of Skype. Currently available in more than 30 countries, Rdio is funded by Janus Friis through his investment entities, Atomico, and Skype. For more information and to sign up, visit

Media Contact
Joseph Martorano
Sparkpr for Rdio

Getting an MBA? Fortune 500 Companies Want To Hire You!

September 5, 2013 – Irving, Texas / Fortune 500 companies will gather in San Antonio, Texas next month to hire MBA graduates. Thousands of recruiters and hiring managers from top employers will be exhibiting at the Annual Conference & Career Expo to be held by the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) this October. NSHMBA is expecting hundreds of Fortune 500 companies at this year’s event, which attend to recruit top MBA-level talent.

NSHMBA invites MBA students, recent graduates and professionals to attend the top recruiting event of the year as it celebrates its 25th Anniversary in San Antonio. This Texas-sized Annual Conference & Career Expo is the premier opportunity for business school graduates to interview for choice career opportunities with top employers in one location. The event will take place from October 10-12, 2013 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

Registration to the Annual Conference & Career Expo is now open. Certain discounts to the event are available for NSHMBA members (for membership information, visit Benefits of attending include:

• Hundreds of Fortune 500 companies participating
• Estimated 2,500+ recruiters and hiring managers in attendance
• Professional development sessions
• Numerous networking opportunities
• Internships available with select employers
• Connect with top employers seeking to hire MBA-level talent

To register, visit For more information, contact or 877-4-NSHMBA, extension 7507.

About the National Society of Hispanic MBAs

The National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA) was formed in 1988 as a non-profit organization. Widely known as the “Premier Hispanic Business Professional Organization,” NSHMBA serves 39 chapters and more than 24,000 members in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. NSHMBA is dedicated to building and advancing Hispanic leadership, advocating the pursuit of higher education and providing its members with world-class professional development and career management programs. For more information about the event, visit