Author Archives: uwirepr


Medical Device Maker Looks to Support Growth, Innovation with Results-Driven Grads

KALAMAZOO, MI, September 2, 2010 –
Stryker Corporation today announced the launch of its U.S. college recruiting program, which spans 18 colleges and 11 states. Bucking national hiring trends, Stryker plans to add employees to its workforce across a wide range of roles and business functions.

“As a global leader in medical technology focused on growth and innovation, Stryker is always on the lookout for results-driven, talented graduates that want to make a difference in the lives of patients around the world,” said Laurie Byrne, director of staffing and talent acquisition, Stryker. “For today’s graduates, our organization is a great place to start because we offer the opportunity to build your own career, based on individual strengths and potential.”

Seeking growth across all its business units, Stryker is a medical device manufacturer that develops and sells medical products ranging from orthopaedic implants to surgical instruments and hospital equipment. The company is currently looking to hire candidates in all of the following disciplines: engineering, quality, research & development, manufacturing, sales, finance, human resources, information technology, operations and marketing.

“At Stryker, we cultivate our employees and provide opportunities for growth and professional development, but we also encourage them to choose their own career paths. There are no pre-defined paths to advancement,” said Byrne. “While individual tenacity and hard work are rewarded, our organization also finds it critical to foster team collaboration and support work/life balance.”

Stryker recruiters will be visiting the following schools at the following dates:

• Southern Methodist University (Texas) on September 1
• Notre Dame (Indiana) on September 8
• University of Texas-Austin on September 8
• Illinois University on September 14-16
• Purdue University (Indiana) on September 14-17
• Southern Methodist University (Texas) on September 15
• University of North Texas on September 15
• University of Southern California Regulatory Science on September 17
• University of Texas-Austin on September 20-22
• Notre Dame (Indiana) on September 21
• University of Southern California Regulatory Science on September 22
• University of Texas-Arlington on September 22
• Stanford University (California) on September 22
• Western Michigan University on September 24
• University of Michigan on September 28-29
• Western Michigan University on September 30
• Washington State University on October 3
• Michigan Technological Institute on October 4
• University of Colorado on October 4
• University of Idaho on October 4
• Washington State University on October 4-6
• Michigan Technological University on October 5-6
• Stanford University (California) on October 5-6
• University of Colorado on October 5-6
• Ohio State University on October 6
• Cal Poly on October 12-13,16
• Hillsdale College (Michigan) on October 13-14
• Western Michigan University on October 13-15

For additional information about careers at Stryker, please visit

About Stryker

Stryker is one of the world’s leading medical technology companies and is dedicated to helping healthcare professionals perform their jobs more efficiently while enhancing patient care. The Company provides innovative orthopaedic implants as well as state-of-the-art medical and surgical equipment to help people lead more active and more satisfying lives. For more information about Stryker, please visit


Dacrie Brooks



Tuesday, August 31, 2010

CONTACT: Gena Madow, 202 789-7756; Ira Arlook, 202 557-0979

New Brand of College-Logo Apparel—ALTA GRACIA—Pays Workers “Living Wage,” and Respects Right to Unionize

Worker Rights Consortium—Labor Rights Watchdog—Monitors Factory and Verifies Pay and Conditions

Alta Gracia is a new brand of T-shirts, sweatshirts and hoodies made for the very first time in a factory that pays its workers enough to enable them to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care and education for themselves and their families—a “living wage,” while respecting all of their rights, and ensuring a safe and healthy workplace.

Several Hundred U.S. university and college bookstores will be carrying Alta Gracia apparel this fall and winter. Most have it in their stores right now and available for online purchase, or will have it early in September. Alta Gracia clothing will sell for the same price as other major brands and is of at least equal quality.

At the Alta Gracia factory in Villa Altagracia, Dominican Republic, workers are paid 338% of the legal minimum wage or approximately $3/hour rather than 80 cents/hour. This pay rate far exceeds the standards in all university labor codes of conduct for suppliers. The wage was set based on a study of local living costs by the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC), the labor rights watchdog organization with which over 180 colleges and universities are affiliated. The WRC has verified that Alta Gracia’s pay and working conditions are as stated and will continue to monitor the factory on a regular and frequent basis. All Alta Gracia garments carry a WRC verification tag.

Knights Apparel, Alta Gracia’s parent company, based in Spartanburg SC, is the largest supplier of college-logo apparel in the United States. It has committed to respecting all of its workers rights including the right to form a union. The workers at Alta Gracia formed a union shortly after the factory began operating this summer.

Knights also invited in the Maquila Safety and Health Network, an organization of U.S. workplace safety and health experts, to advise the company on how to ensure that its factory met the highest safety and health standards, before it began work.

See the NY Times story that appeared on the front page of the Sunday Business Section on July 18, 2010.

What the participants have to say about Alta Gracia:

“This is more than a new brand, it’s a commitment to our workers, their families and the community of Altagracia.” Donnie Hodge, President & C.O.O. of Knights Apparel.

Our vision is finally a reality. We believe doing good can translate into good business.” Joseph Bozich, the C.E.O. of Knights Apparel.

“By paying a living wage and respecting the right to organize, Alta Gracia is making a huge difference in the lives of the workers at its factory. Alta Gracia is head and shoulders above the rest of the apparel industry.” Theresa Haas, Director of Communications, Worker Rights Consortium.

“We’re proud to be among the leaders in the university community promoting this brand. While it’s still too early to tell, we’ve had strong sales so far.” Jim Wilkerson, Duke University’s director of trademark licensing and stores operations.

“Alta Gracia goes well beyond philanthropy or fair trade projects because the workers who make this university clothing are paid a living wage and have a union. After battling with apparel corporations to stop sweatshop abuse for a decade, these workers finally have jobs that enable them to escape from poverty, jobs where their voice matters. Alta Gracia makes it unmistakably clear that brands can produce university apparel in union factories where workers are paid adequately, defying the age-old excuse that workers’ rights are incompatible with a global economy. We know that once students become aware of what Alta Gracia means, they’ll buy Alta Gracia. We hope that all parts of the university community will come to recognize the significance of this historic breakthrough administrators, faculty, staff, bookstore managers and students, and promote it.” Teresa Cheng, International Campaigns Coordinators, United Students Against Sweatshops.

“I am proud and happy to sew Alta Gracia clothes. Alta Gracia clothes are made in a totally different kind of factory where we earn a living wage and have the right to form a union. We have a voice at our workplace and they really listens to us! With the living wage we are all so thrilled! Every day I go into the factory knowing that because of my work that day I will be able to provide something important for my family. Thanks to the living wage, I know that we will always have enough food and I can go to the supermarket and know I can actually buy what I need. My two daughters just went back to school and this was the first year we didn’t have to struggle to find a way to pay for their school supplies. For the last year and half I couldn’t save up enough money to finish constructing my house, but now thanks to the living wage I have been able to put in a floor, glass in our windows, a bathroom, and a safer front door. Every purchase of Alta Gracia means that we will b e able to make our dreams come true. Thanks for supporting Alta Gracia which is giving our community hope for a better future. Elba Nuris, Alta Gracia apparel worker in the Dominican Republic.

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CourseSmart Gives Away an iPad Every Day Through August 30th

Student winners are already taking advantage of CourseSmart’s “eTextbooks for the iPad” App on their brand new iPads

SAN MATEO, Calif., – August 25, 2010 – CourseSmart, the world’s largest provider of eTextbooks, is providing students at colleges and universities nationwide the chance to win an iPad and access more than 90 percent of core higher education textbooks as eTextbooks via “eTextbooks for the iPad” App. CourseSmart’s iPad-a-Day Giveaway promotion offers college students the ability to study smarter this Fall by experiencing the unique functionality of the large form tablet device, giving students the ultimate mobile solution to access all of the most popular, in-demand textbooks and course materials, anytime-anywhere at a savings of up to 60%.

Through August 30th, CourseSmart will be giving away an iPad every day. Additional details and entry rules are available at and students in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada are encouraged to enter. A unique winner will be selected and notified daily.

One recent winner of CourseSmart’s iPad-a-Day Giveaway stated, “As I head back to school this semester, my new iPad will certainly be an asset for my classes and studies. I will be saving more than $120 on one of my textbooks by purchasing it via CourseSmart and now I can access it on my new iPad too,” said Mark Freudenthal, Case Western Reserve University.

Contest winners will also be in a position to provide CourseSmart with direct feedback on their experience with CourseSmart’s “eTextbooks for the iPad” App, because CourseSmart is also providing winning students with a complimentary CourseSmart eTextbook. Allowing the company to further develop and update the App on a regular basis, student feedback on enhancements to the features and benefits is a critical component to continuously improve student usability and interactivity on the tablet device.

CourseSmart is the only provider of digital textbooks to make all of its eTextbook titles available anytime, anywhere on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch using a free app that can be downloaded from the iPad and iPhone App Stores. The CourseSmart eTextbook App is available free of charge from Apple’s App Store on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch at

Currently, whether accessing eTextbooks via laptops, eReaders, tablets or other mobile devices, students enjoy the savings, convenience and digital efficiencies of CourseSmart’s eTextbooks, including:

• Up to 60% savings on more than 90% of all core higher education textbooks in use today
• Instant, anytime, anywhere access to materials via or various mobile devices and tablets, including the iPhone and iPad
• Search functionality for topics within a single book or across an entire eTextbook stack
• Highlighting and note-taking capabilities within the eTextbook, which can be easily retrieved or searched
• Ability to cut and paste as well as email sections, notes and highlighted text
• Page fidelity and preservation, mirroring the print edition’s page numbers, full text, diagrams, illustrations and charts
• Access to Table of Contents
• The choice to print only what one needs

For more information or to purchase your assigned textbook as an eTextbook, visit

About CourseSmart

CourseSmart provides eTextbooks and digital course materials that improve the educational process by offering instructors and students a unique combination of the right course material, anywhere, any-time access and a low cost. As the world’s largest digital course materials supplier, CourseSmart has a rapidly growing digital library of more than 90% of core higher education textbooks offered as eTextbooks, the same titles produced by major publishers in print and recommended by faculty across North America. The company’s eTextbooks can be purchased for up to 60% less than print texts and offer users the ability to print what they need as well as search and copy and paste features which help to streamline students’ studies. Additional information can be found on the company’s Web site:


Media Contact:
Gabrielle Zucker
Kwittken & Company
(646) 747-7143


Michael Kingston

Heather Mitchell

AXE Finds Guys Who Use Shower Gel Set the Curve for Dating

New York, NY (August 25, 2010) – College guys have it tough when it comes to keeping clean. From lounging on stained fraternity couches, to tailgating in the heat, and sprinting around campus between classes, there are plenty of ways to get dirty before a night out. However, when it comes to impressing girls, a new study from AXE Shower discovered that cleanliness is the key and should be a priority for guys. The results were clear: clean guys get the girl – nearly two-thirds of girls (65%) agreed that a guy’s cleanliness was sexy and a determining factor in whether or not she would date him.

AXE, a leader in men’s care, teamed up with the Sports and Leisure Research Group, to conduct a study with guys and girls at six major U.S. colleges and universities to see what they really thought about male grooming. In the random crossover study, 261 guys at six major Universities were asked to shower with bar soap for one week and with AXE Phoenix Shower Gel and the AXE Detailer Shower Tool for a week.

Actress Vanessa Minnillo partnered with AXE to tap into the study findings and what it means for guys. “‘True beauty’ comes from within,” says Minnillo. “But, guys, don’t kid yourselves, you will have no chance with the ladies if you don’t pay attention to all aspects of your game.  This study proves what us girls have known forever – clean guys are sexy – and a great way to ensure you are clean is with AXE Shower Gel.”

That’s What She Said
With the insights from girls across all six campuses, AXE honed in on what girls truly want and found that college girls agree: cleanliness is next to sexiness.
•    ‘A’ for effort – 66% of girls surveyed felt that a guy who put more effort into their personal hygiene was sexy.
•    A shower a day makes the girls want to play – 3 out of four girls (75%) said that they would only date a guy who showered daily.
•    Should I stay or should I go now? – The majority of girls (81%) said they’d be more willing to shower at a guy’s apartment if he had AXE Shower Gel in his shower (as opposed to bar soap).

Clean Man on Campus
Knowing that girls dig a guy with that “just took a shower” smell, AXE wanted to find out from girls who they thought were the cleanest guys on campus.   The verdict: the school’s hottest guys are more likely to be found in the library than the weight room.
•    Hot for teacher – Almost half of the girls (47%) agreed that professors were the best groomed men in school, followed by members of student government (45%), Pre-med students (44%) and guys who attend Ivy League schools (44%).
•    Fraternity rush…to the showers – of all campus groups, girls viewed frat members as having the worst hygiene on campus (39%), followed closely by the newly independent freshmen (29%), on-campus residents (23%) and varsity athletes (16%).

Believe to Achieve

After using AXE, guys saw an immediate boost to their game.
•    So fresh and so clean – Most guys said they smelled better (90%) after using AXE Shower Gel than they did after using bar soap alone.
•    Confidence is key – After showering with AXE, nine out of 10 guys (91%) felt more confident in approaching girls and commented that they’d be ready for that chance hook-up opportunity.
•    Under pressure – 88% of guys felt more confident in high-pressure situations, such as internship interviews, class presentations, etc., after showering with AXE.
•    Saved by the shower – In fact, during the week in which guys showered with AXE Shower Gel and the AXE Detailer Shower Tool, they were seven times more likely to hook up (23% vs. 3% of those who used regular bar soap).

Step Up The (Grooming) Game
The key to stepping up a guy’s game can be as simple as upgrading his shower routine. Campus life can be a little easier with a host of products by AXE Shower designed to keep guys at the top of their game.

The AXE Detailer Shower Tool and 12 fl.-oz Shower Gels have a suggested retail price of $3.99 each. All are available at most food, drug, club and mass outlets nationwide.

About the Study Methodology
College aged males were pre-screened and recruited at six college campuses nationwide. From January 30 – February 20, 2010, each was asked to use Axe Shower Gel and Detailer Tool for one week, and a control bar of soap for another week. Respondents were then asked to complete a post survey asking about their product preference and attitudes. Post test surveys were completed both online and via personal telephone interviews. A supplemental women’s survey was conducted to gain a perspective on some of the same issues, as well as elicit reactions and observations to their friends using Axe Shower Gel. These results are drawn from a total of 367 respondents – 261 men and 106 women.

These study results are projectable within a sampling tolerance of +/- 3.75% at the 95% Confidence Interval against the universe of potential male respondents. Being even more conservative, this would yield a tolerance of +/- 6.75% at the 95% Confidence Interval against a universe of male college students.

About AXE
AXE, a leader in men’s care, is an iconic personal care brand around the world that helps guys look, smell and feel their best. The Unilever-manufactured brand is available in a line of deodorant bodysprays, deodorant and anti-perspirant sticks, shower gels and hair care products.  AXE is the No. 1 men’s grooming brand in the U.S., excluding shaving hardware, and achieved this status only seven years after launch.  Including deodorant bodysprays, AXE is the largest men’s deodorant brand in the U.S.

The brand’s mission is to help guys get the girl with grooming products that reflect individual personality and lifestyle.  For more information, visit

About Unilever North America
Unilever works to create a better future every day.  We help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and services that are good for them and good for others.  Each day, around the world, consumers make 160 million decisions to purchase Unilever products. In the United States, Canada and the Greater Caribbean (Trinidad & Tobago, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico) the portfolio includes brand icons such as: Axe, Becel, Ben & Jerry’s, Bertolli, Blue Band, Breyers, Caress, Country Crock, Degree, Dove personal care products, Hellmann’s, Klondike, Knorr, Lipton, Omo, Popsicle, Promise, Q-Tips, Skippy, Slim-Fast, Suave, Sunsilk and Vaseline.  All of the preceding brand names are registered trademarks of the Unilever Group of Companies.  Dedicated to serving consumers and the communities where we live, work and play, Unilever employs more than 13,000 people across North America – generating nearly $10 billion in sales in 2009.  For more information, visit

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Below: Actress Vanessa Minnillo. Download high-resolution version of this photo here: Vanessa Manillo_by_Robert Ascroft.tif

Branded Prepaid Cards: Must-Haves for College Students

Network Branded Prepaid Card Association suggests branded prepaid cards as an affordable and accessible payment tool in a tighter credit environment

Surrounded by a climate of ongoing financial reform that has resulted in marked shifts in the banking and credit industries, this back-to-school season college students are seeking alternatives to traditional student checking accounts and credit cards. The Network Branded Prepaid Card Association (NBPCA) suggests prepaid cards as back-to-college essentials because of their ease of use for everyday purchases, low cost, built-in spending control and budgeting and savings features for on-the-go college students.

One of the new rules outlined by the CARD Act, which was signed by President Obama last year and took effect in February, states consumers under 21 cannot open a new credit card account without either a co-signer or proof of enough income to guarantee payment of the debt. This means that many college students no longer have access to credit cards. Additionally, under ongoing financial reform and economic recovery, many banks have increased the costs and minimum balance requirements for personal checking accounts. These developments have left many college students looking for affordable payments tools that will support their busy lifestyles.

Many students are turning to branded prepaid cards (with an American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa logo) as alternatives that meet their needs. The funds can be loaded by the student, by parents or even a grandparent or employer online, via direct deposit or at thousands of locations nationwide including banks, online, grocery and corner stores.

“Prepaid cards are must-have tools for college students today, allowing safe and convenient access to funds for everyday purchases, bill pay, budgeting and even savings features,” said Kirsten Trusko, President and Executive Director of the NBPCA. “College is a tough financial burden for many families and a branded prepaid card is an excellent way to affordably access the basic financial services a college student needs in a way that is secure and convenient for them and their parents.”

Added Tim Sloane, Director of Prepaid Advisory Service at the Mercator Advisory Group, the leading independent research and advisory firm focused on the payments and banking industries, “students could benefit from increased use of prepaid cards because it gives them a way to make purchases with the freedom of a credit or debit card without the risk of getting into massive debt or overdrawing accounts. They also can receive money electronically from relatives and other sources.”

The NBPCA offers a few tips that will ensure positive experiences for college students and their parents that choose a branded prepaid card:
• Shop around for the right card for you. You can find a branded prepaid card online, at banks or at major retailers and grocery chains. All cards come with different fee structures, features and benefits, so compare a few to get the card that fits your specific needs.
• Take advantage of the features. Branded prepaid cards come with features such as balance text alerts and some even have interest-bearing savings programs. Read about them and take advantage of all your card has to offer.
• Understand the terms and conditions. Read the information that comes with the card. Pay special attention to fees (if applicable) and when those fees are charged. Like any financial product, there can be fees attached to specific behavior (such as using an out of network ATM) and as with all cards, an expiration date.
• Record the card number and the customer service telephone number. Keep the information in a safe place.
• Familiarize yourself with the security and loss prevention features of your card. The value associated with the card can be recovered if the card is lost or stolen or if there are unauthorized purchases. If any of these occur, report it to the customer service number immediately.
• Keep track of your card balance. Most cards offer a phone, text or online option to do this. These cards help you avoid costly overdrafting, so when making a purchase that exceeds the card balance, be sure to tell the cashier that you plan to use two forms of payment: the prepaid card and the remaining amount however else you choose. Developing a disciplined approach to spending and staying aware of the card’s balance (through email, text alerts, etc.) will help keep you on track and mean fewer last-minute pleas to Mom and Dad.

About the NBPCA
The Network Branded Prepaid Card Association (NBPCA) is a non-profit, inter-industry trade association that supports the growth and success of network branded prepaid cards. The NBPCA brings together responsible members of the prepaid industry to provide a fact-based voice to media, government and consumers, developing recommended best practices and promoting education to help consumers optimize their experience with network branded prepaid cards. For additional information, visit, or consumers are encouraged to visit the NBPCA Facebook for education about branded prepaid cards.

Back-to-School Checklist: Include Ensuring Vaccinations are Up-to-Date

ATLANTA (Aug. 24, 2010) – A new school year can be a busy time for families. As busy as it is, it’s a critical time for parents to make sure their children are up-to-date on all recommended adolescent vaccines. The National Meningitis Association (NMA) is urging parents to protect their children from serious, sometimes life-threatening illnesses before they send them back to school.

One such illness is meningococcal disease, a deadly but potentially vaccine-preventable bacterial infection that can kill or disable an otherwise healthy child within hours of its first symptoms. Although people of all ages can get the disease, adolescents and young adults are at greater risk than most. Returning to school places adolescents in situations where they are in long-term close contact with large groups, which is believed to contribute to this risk. Whether kids are preparing for junior high, high school or college, it’s important to ensure they have been vaccinated for meningococcal disease.

Ashley Lee had just begun her freshman year in college when she nearly lost her life to meningococcal disease. She spent several months in the hospital and lost her left foot and some fingers. Ashley’s battle did not end there. Two and a half years later, she was still struggling with the pain and damage caused by the disease. Faced with the most difficult decision of her life, she decided to also have her right foot amputated in order to live a more active life.

Ashley’s family doctor had recommended that she get vaccinated at the student health center at college. When school started, though, she was busy with classes, making new friends and having fun. Going to the health center for a vaccine was the furthest thing from her mind.

“I was a teenager. I never thought something like this could happen to me,” said Ashley Lee. “But it did. I got meningococcal disease. I lost so much to this disease. No one should have to go through this.”

Meningococcal disease, also known as bacterial meningitis, can cause meningitis and blood infection. Sometimes, the early symptoms – fever, aches and exhaustion – can be mistaken for flu, making the disease hard to diagnose. Even with prompt treatment, one in seven adolescents will die. Up to 20 percent of those who survive suffer long-term disabilities such as brain damage, loss of kidney function, hearing loss or limb amputations.

The majority of cases among preteens and teens can potentially be prevented through vaccination. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends meningococcal vaccination for all adolescents 11 through 18 years of age, ideally at their 11-12 year-old check-up. Vaccination is also recommended for other people at increased risk for the disease, including college freshmen living in dormitories.

Other vaccinations recommended for preteens

Meningococcal disease is just one of many serious diseases that adolescents and young adults can get. Even if immunized in early childhood or infancy, preteens still need certain vaccines to stay protected into adulthood, such as tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough); human papillomavirus (which causes cervical cancer in women) and influenza (flu). In addition, children who missed vaccines or were only partially immunized as infants need “catch-up” vaccines at age 11-12.

“Now – before school starts – is the best time to make sure your child has received all the recommended vaccinations for adolescents,” said Lynn Bozof, president of the National Meningitis Association. “Having your children vaccinated is one of the most important ways you can protect them.”

For more information about adolescent vaccines, visit NMA’s preteen website:

To view a video of Ashley Lee telling her story and to see others share their experiences with meningococcal disease, please visit:

About NMA
The National Meningitis Association (NMA) is a nonprofit organization founded by parents whose children have died or live with permanent disabilities from meningococcal disease. Ashley Lee is part of NMA’s “Together Educating About Meningitis” (T.E.A.M.) program whose mission is to help educate others about the dangers of meningococcal disease and prevention methods, including immunization. For more information, please visit the National Meningitis Association’s website at


Jennifer Corrigan
Alembic Health Communications

SPHE & BET Launch National “Stomp the Yard: Homecoming” Step Contest

CULVER CITY, CALIF. (August 16, 2010) – To celebrate the release of Stomp The Yard: Homecoming on Blu-ray™ + DVD Combo Pack and DVD September 21, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) and Black Entertainment Television (BET) have joined forces to host a national step contest to find America’s best steppers.

The Stomp The Yard: Homecoming contest launches August 16 on and invites participants to upload a two-minute video segment of their team (a maximum of eight people) performing a step routine. The producers of BET’s “106&Park” will select two teams to fly to New York and perform their routine live on BET during “Wild Out Wednesday” on September 22. During the live broadcast, BET viewers will be encouraged to vote for their favorite group via text or online. The winning group will be announced at the end of the program on the live broadcast and will receive gift card valued at $5,000.

Producer Will Packer stated, “This contest will give the best step teams in the country the opportunity to highlight their precision, unity and flavor. BET is the perfect partner because 106 & Park is all about showcasing artist with unique talents and abilities. I’m hoping we’ll see some teams on par with the talent in Stomp The Yard: Homecoming.”

Stomp The Yard: Homecoming returns audiences to the yard of Truth University for the all new, explosive, high energy drama. The sequel to the $75MM box office hit follows Chance Harris (Collins Pennie, Fame, TV’s “Hawthorne”) as he looks to find a balance between his school, work, relationships and the opportunity to perform at the nationally televised step competition during homecoming weekend. The up-and-coming energetic cast also includes Terrence J (BET’s #1 Rated “106 & Park”), Stephen “tWitch” Boss (TV’s “So You Think You Can Dance”), Pooch Hall (The Game), Kiely Williams (The Cheetah Girls), Keith David (Death at a Funeral, The Princess and the Frog), Tika Sumpter (TV’s “One Life to Live”) and a featured appearance by Columbus Short (Stomp the Yard, Death at a Funeral). Step inside the movie’s groundbreaking choreography with the “Stomp On The Yard” featurette along with deleted scenes and cast & filmmaker commentary. Filled with all new phenomenal, step-routines, Stomp the Yard: Homecoming will be available September 21 on Blu-ray + DVD Combo Pack for $30.95 SRP and on DVD for $24.96 SRP.

Directed by Rob Hardy (The Gospel), Stomp the Yard: Homecoming is from a story by Albert Leon and a screenplay by Albert Leon and Meena Payne. Executive Produced by Columbus Short and produced by Will Packer.

Stomp the Yard: Homecoming has a running time of 88 minutes and is rated PG-13. For more, visit and Artwork and digital clips are available for download at Visit Sony Home Entertainment on the Web at

About Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is a Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) company. SPE is a subsidiary of Sony Corporation of America, a subsidiary of Tokyo-based Sony Corporation. SPE’s global operations encompass motion picture production and distribution; television production and distribution; home entertainment acquisition and distribution; a global channel network; digital content creation and distribution; operation of studio facilities; development of new entertainment products, services and technologies; and distribution of entertainment in more than 140 countries. Sony Pictures Entertainment can be found on the World Wide Web at

About BET

BET Networks, a subsidiary of Viacom Inc. (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B), is the nation’s leading provider of quality entertainment, music, news and public affairs television programming for the African-American audience. The primary BET channel reaches more than 90 million households and can be seen in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, the United Kingdom and sub-Saharan Africa. BET is the dominant African-American consumer brand with a diverse group of business extensions:, a leading Internet destination for Black entertainment, music, culture, and news; CENTRIC, a 24-hour entertainment network targeting the 25- to 54-year-old African-American audience; BET Digital Networks – BET Gospel and BET Hip Hop, attractive alternatives for cutting-edge entertainment tastes; BET Home Entertainment, a collection of BET-branded offerings for the home environment including DVDs and video-on-demand; BET Event Productions, a full-scale event management and productio n company with festivals and live events spanning the globe; BET Mobile, which provides ringtones, games and video content for wireless devices; and BET International, which operates BET in the United Kingdom and oversees the extension of BET network programming for global distribution.

Staci Griesbach/Sony Pictures Home Entertainment/310-244-6903/
Leif Helland/mPRm Public Relations/ 323-933-3399/
Tiaka Hurst/323-216-6974/

CourseSmart Gives Student Access to over 90% of Core Textbooks

Largest eTextbook provider in the world launches new site; launches eTextbooks for the iPad 2.0; Gives students the chance to win an iPad

San Mateo, Calif., – August 12, 2010 – Students at colleges and universities nationwide can study smarter this fall by using eTextbooks from CourseSmart, the world’s largest provider of eTextbooks. CourseSmart is the only online marketplace to offer more than 90 percent of core higher education textbooks in use today as eTextbooks, making it the one-stop-shop for college students looking for convenient, instant access to their assigned course materials at savings of up to 60%. To better serve students this fall, CourseSmart has launched a new website, specifically designed to help students easily find and instantly access their assigned eTextbooks.

Additionally, CourseSmart’s release of “eTextbooks for the iPad 2.0,” an optimized application that takes full advantage of the iPad’s advanced functionality, provides students with the ultimate mobile solution to access all of the most popular, in-demand textbooks and course materials, anytime-anywhere. To highlight these exciting developments, CourseSmart is announcing that they will be giving away an iPad every day during the back-to-school season.

“The iPad is a game-changing device for the educational market and will provide a unique opportunity for students to access their core learning resources and integrate the extraordinary digital benefits of Apple’s large-form tablet device,” said Sean Devine, CEO of CourseSmart. “Our ability to provide students with access to their eTextbooks from any web-enabled device is an unmatched mobile solution that perfectly caters to the increasing demand of today’s on-the-go, digital-savvy students.”

Students will also immediately benefit from the advanced search and ecommerce capabilities of CourseSmart’s new site, designed to help students find and access their assigned course material in less time. is also better integrating with students’ social media environment, introducing Facebook Connect as part of the new site and launching a new social media program to ensure students find the best options for purchasing their assigned course materials.

Furthermore, as CourseSmart continues to provide students with the ability to study smarter through the benefits and efficiencies of digital course materials, the company has announced “CourseSmart’s iPad-a-Day Giveaway,” promotion, providing college students with the chance to win an iPad and experience the unique functionality of the device through its significantly improved CourseSmart’s “eTextbooks for the iPad” App.

From August 17th to August 30th, CourseSmart will be giving away an iPad every day through “CourseSmart’s iPad-a-Day Giveaway.” Additional details and entry rules are available at and students in the U.S., Puerto Rico and Canada are encouraged to enter. A unique winner will be selected and notified daily.

CourseSmart is the only provider of digital textbooks to make all of its eTextbook titles available anytime, anywhere on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch using a free app that can be downloaded from the iPad and iPhone App Stores. CourseSmart has partnered with Perpetuating Technologies, a mobile and web development firm based near Boston, to design and build the next generation of mobile learning tools for college students. The CourseSmart eTextbook App is available free of charge from Apple’s App Store on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch at

Currently, whether accessing eTextbooks via laptops, eReaders, tablets or other mobile devices, students enjoy the savings, convenience and digital efficiencies of CourseSmart’s eTextbooks, including:

•Up to 60% savings on more than 90% of all core higher education textbooks in use today
•Instant, anytime, anywhere access to materials via or various mobile devices and tablets, including the iPhone and iPad
•Search functionality for topics within a single book or across an entire eTextbook stack
•Highlighting and note-taking capabilities within the eTextbook, which can be easily retrieved or searched
•Ability to cut and paste as well as email sections, notes and highlighted text
•Page fidelity and preservation, mirroring the print edition’s page numbers, full text, diagrams, illustrations and charts
•Access to Table of Contents
•The choice to print only what one needs

For more information or to purchase your assigned textbook as an eTextbook, visit

About CourseSmart

CourseSmart provides eTextbooks and digital course materials that improve the educational process by offering instructors and students a unique combination of the right course material, anywhere, any-time access and a low cost. As the world’s largest digital course materials supplier, CourseSmart has a rapidly growing digital library of more than 90% of core higher education textbooks offered as eTextbooks, the same titles produced by major publishers in print and recommended by faculty across North America. The company’s eTextbooks can be purchased for up to 60% less than print texts and offer users the ability to print what they need as well as search and copy and paste features which help to streamline students’ studies. Additional information can be found on the company’s Web site:

Media Contact:
Gabrielle Zucker
Kwittken & Company
(646) 747-7143


Singer of the summertime hit “Cooler Than Me” will play the latest new music, mix some of his own, and describe life as he transitions from college student to pop star

NEW YORK – July 30, 2010 – SIRIUS XM Radio (NASDAQ: SIRI) today announced the launch of a weekly show hosted by Mike Posner, the young phenom and mixtape superstar, whose music has risen to the top of the charts.

Posner – singer, songwriter, producer and recent Duke University graduate—received critical acclaim when he self-released two mixtapes and signed a record deal with J Records while still in school. The Detroit native received his diploma from Duke as his song, “Cooler Than Me,” was rising on the Billboard charts and he was preparing to hit the road with the Warped Tour. The smash single “Cooler Than Me” has sold more than 1.1 million downloads to date and risen to No. 6 on Billboard’s Hot 100.

His debut album, 31 Minutes to Takeoff, will be released on August 10. Posner co-wrote and/or co-produced every track on 31 Minutes to Takeoff, which also features collaborations with Benny Blanco (Ke$ha, Katy Perry, 3OH!3), Boyz II Men, Travis Barker and songwriter Teddy Riley.

His weekly SIRIUS XM show, The Mike Posner Show, debuts on September 10 on SIRIUS XM’s Faction (SIRIUS channel 28/XM channel 52), SIRIUS XM’s 100% commercial-free music and action sports lifestyle channel. The show will air Friday nights at 9:00 pm ET. On his SIRIUS XM Faction show, Posner will play the jams he likes and talk about his life as he navigates the best-selling music charts and his newfound popularity.

“It is going to be so fun to document what happens in my life in such a refreshing manner. Plus, I can’t wait to show people all the cool music they’ve been missing,” said Posner. “My show is going to have the best playlist ever!”

“When SIRIUS XM first started playing Mike’s music a few months ago, we knew we had to do something more to bring this exciting new talent to a national audience,” said Scott Greenstein, President and Chief Content Officer of SIRIUS XM. “Already having found a large online audience for his unmistakable and unduplicated sound, SIRIUS XM will bring his unique voice to millions of car radios every single week.”

Posner recently announced his first headlining club tour, The Up In The Air Tour, produced by Live Nation. Fans can receive exclusive access to pre-sale tickets for The Up In The Air Tour when they pre-order 31 Minutes To Takeoff at The Up In The Air Tour will make 22 stops at premier clubs throughout the country, with shows confirmed through October 15 in Toronto, Canada at the Mod Club.


About SIRIUS XM Radio

SIRIUS XM Radio is America’s satellite radio company delivering to subscribers commercial-free music channels, premier sports, news, talk, entertainment, and traffic and weather.

SIRIUS XM Radio has content relationships with an array of personalities and artists, including Howard Stern, Martha Stewart, Oprah Winfrey, Rosie O’Donnell, Jamie Foxx, Barbara Walters, Opie & Anthony, Bubba the Love Sponge®, Bob Edwards, Chris “Mad Dog” Russo, Jimmy Buffett, The Grateful Dead, Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan and Tom Petty. SIRIUS XM Radio is the leader in sports programming as the Official Satellite Radio Partner of the NFL, Major League Baseball®, NASCAR®, NBA, NHL®, and PGA TOUR® and major college sports.

SIRIUS XM Radio has arrangements with every major automaker. SIRIUS XM Radio products are available at and, and at retail locations nationwide, including Best Buy, RadioShack, Wal-Mart and independent retailers.

SIRIUS XM Radio also offers SIRIUS Backseat TV, the first ever live in-vehicle rear seat entertainment featuring Nickelodeon, Disney Channel and Cartoon Network; XM NavTraffic® service for GPS navigation systems delivers real-time traffic information, including accidents and road construction, for more than 80 North American markets.

This communication contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements about future financial and operating results, the combined company’s plans, objectives, expectations and intentions with respect to future operations, products and services; and other statements identified by words such as “will likely result,” “ are expected to,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “plan,” “estimate,” “intend,” “will,” “should,” “may,” or words of similar meaning. Such forward-looking statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of SIRIUS XM’s management and are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of SIRIUS and XM. Actual results may differ materially from the results anticipa ted in these forward-looking statements.

The following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results or other expectations expressed in the forward-looking statement: general economic conditions; our dependence upon automakers and other third parties, the substantial indebtedness of SIRIUS and XM; the useful life of our satellites; and our competitive position versus other forms of audio and video entertainment. Additional factors that could cause SIRIUS’ and XM’s results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements can be found in SIRIUS’ Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009 and XM’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009, which are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and available at the SEC’s Internet site ( The information set forth herein speaks only as of the date hereof, and SIRIUS and XM disclaim any intention or obligation to update any forward looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this communication.

Contacts for SIRIUS XM Radio:
Patrick Reilly

Samantha Bowman


SIRIUS XM debuts album from singer, songwriter and mixtape superstar to millions of listeners nationwide

Duke University graduate Posner to launch exclusive SIRIUS XM show September 10, joining Coach K as a SIRIUS XM host

NEW YORK – July 30, 2010 – SIRIUS XM Radio (NASDAQ: SIRI) today announced that it will premiere Mike Posner’s highly anticipated debut album 31 Minutes to Takeoff on August 1, over a week before its official release. Posner is the young phenom and mixtape superstar whose music has risen to the top of the charts.

SIRIUS XM will debut 31 Minutes to Takeoff August 1 at 10:00 pm ET on SIRIUS XM Hits 1 (SIRIUS channel 1) and XM’s 20 on 20 (XM channel 20). 31 Minutes to Takeoff (J Records) officially goes on sale August 10.

“I can safely say the record sounds like absolutely no other music on the market,” said Posner. “I couldn’t be more excited for SIRIUS XM to unveil the album in such a major fashion. Time will reveal the significance of the events of August 1st.”

SIRIUS XM announced this week that Posner will launch his own SIRIUS XM show, The Mike Posner Show, on September 10 on SIRIUS XM’s Faction (SIRIUS channel 28/XM channel 52), SIRIUS XM’s 100% commercial-free music and action sports lifestyle channel. On the show—which will air Friday nights at 9:00 pm ET— Posner will play the jams he likes and talk about his life as he navigates the best-selling music charts and his newfound popularity.

Coach K on Mike Posner

On SIRIUS XM, Posner joins another accomplished Duke luminary, men’s basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski, who hosts his own talk show, Basketball and Beyond with Coach K, on SIRIUS XM’s Mad Dog Radio channel. While at Duke, Posner produced a song that played in famed Cameron Indoor Stadium to introduce the team before Blue Devils basketball games.

“Duke students are known for balancing their studies with extracurricular activities, but what Mike has done is really extraordinary,” said Coach K. “It’s terrific to see someone accomplish so much at such a young age and I look forward to having another Blue Devil on our team at SIRIUS XM.”

For more information visit and


About SIRIUS XM Radio

SIRIUS XM Radio is America’s satellite radio company delivering to subscribers commercial-free music channels, premier sports, news, talk, entertainment, and traffic and weather.

SIRIUS XM Radio has content relationships with an array of personalities and artists, including Howard Stern, Martha Stewart, Oprah Winfrey, Rosie O’Donnell, Jamie Foxx, Barbara Walters, Opie & Anthony, Bubba the Love Sponge®, Bob Edwards, Chris “Mad Dog” Russo, Jimmy Buffett, The Grateful Dead, Willie Nelson, Bob Dylan and Tom Petty. SIRIUS XM Radio is the leader in sports programming as the Official Satellite Radio Partner of the NFL, Major League Baseball®, NASCAR®, NBA, NHL®, and PGA TOUR® and major college sports.

SIRIUS XM Radio has arrangements with every major automaker. SIRIUS XM Radio products are available at and, and at retail locations nationwide, including Best Buy, RadioShack, Wal-Mart and independent retailers.

SIRIUS XM Radio also offers SIRIUS Backseat TV, the first ever live in-vehicle rear seat entertainment featuring Nickelodeon, Disney Channel and Cartoon Network; XM NavTraffic® service for GPS navigation systems delivers real-time traffic information, including accidents and road construction, for more than 80 North American markets.

This communication contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements include, but are not limited to, statements about future financial and operating results, the combined company’s plans, objectives, expectations and intentions with respect to future operations, products and services; and other statements identified by words such as “will likely result,” ” are expected to,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “plan,” “estimate,” “intend,” “will,” “should,” “may,” or words of similar meaning. Such forward-looking statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of SIRIUS XM’s management and are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of SIRIUS and XM. Actual results may differ materially from the results anticipa ted in these forward-looking statements.

The following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated results or other expectations expressed in the forward-looking statement: general economic conditions; our dependence upon automakers and other third parties, the substantial indebtedness of SIRIUS and XM; the useful life of our satellites; and our competitive position versus other forms of audio and video entertainment. Additional factors that could cause SIRIUS’ and XM’s results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements can be found in SIRIUS’ Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009 and XM’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009, which are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) and available at the SEC’s Internet site ( The information set forth herein speaks only as of the date hereof, and SIRIUS and XM disclaim any intention or obligation to update any forward looking statements as a result of developments occurring after the date of this communication.


Contacts for SIRIUS XM Radio:

Patrick Reilly

Samantha Bowman